Friday 18 December 2015

Know the friends from the freeloaders...

If you want to save for a rainy day, it's best to seperate yourself from that friend that wants to be a friend but unwilling to pay a fair price of the friendship; that friend who thinks he's being wise by cunningly taking advantage of your good nature, or thinks he's being economical with his, by eating, drinking, wearing, smoking and screwing yours, one who'll use you more than you use yourself, or use your stuff including your ride without the decency of intent to replenish the fuel.

It's best to seperate yourself from that friend that'll all the time borrow from you, but will never pay back because his only gift is the gift of hoarding his and receiving yours; that friend that'll always be beside you for as long as it's gainful to him, but will disappear the moment you're in need of a favour from him; that friend that'll only remember to call you when he's in trouble, and will rather beep for you to call back even if it's his need in question.

I am not asking you to do what I say, or referring to anyone in particular. I am just saying what's on my mind. Now whether you're going to be left with any friend after putting this take of mine into practice is what I doubt, because ours has become a society of individuals whose true speciality is to cadge, sponge and take advantage of everyone, especially by repeatedly asking for help but never willing to make effort to help anyone.

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You only get one life to live...

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