Sunday 24 August 2014

Careless world!

So Israel's military operation/genocide is turning ‪Gaza into a cemetery, and Hamas is using that upsetting scale of action to give good reason for whatever agenda they have; meanwhile, it is the innocent who are being wiped out, and all what the UN can do is to lie to reporters or come on TV and condemn yet another attack that is no less than a disaster, and that’s it.

BUT hasn’t that been the history of this warlike world? Arrogant groups of idiots who’re given brains by mistake waging conflict over nonsense, and at the end of the day, it is the innocent who suffer. Some of us who do not know ‘book’ will use the occasion to have a new pastime, to come to discussion groups and determine who’s right or who’s left; and we end up taking sides, either with the faction spewing blanket hatred or the one that has become an advocate for spiritual meanness; IT’S ALL NONSENSE!

Me, I thank God that nobody blackmails my belief; and just as I hate sweeping statements regarding Muslims being terrorists, I equally find it silly when some of us stereotype people of other faiths. Just as I’ll always stress that the actions of Al-Qaeda, Boko-Haram or a few other terrorist groups shouldn’t be taken as a general representation of Islam, I’ll by the same token not accept people judging every Jew by the actions of ‪‎Netenyahu and his ‪government.

I may not know much about the olden times of ‪#‎Palestine or how the Jews came to the land of ‪#‎Israel and I don’t think it matters; all I know is that intelligent civilisation is sick and tired of the baseless propaganda from both ends. The false piety and half truths being coined as legitimate history are apparently not ending in anything healthy; just new threats to tolerance and peaceful co-existence.

If you ask me, I’ll say stop the Bloodclaat misinformation and let’s get to business; let’s unite forces to give voice to the oppressed people of Gaza; Muslims, Christians, Jews, Rastafarians and even Atheists, it doesn’t matter…It doesn’t matter if Baha'i, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism is what you put into practice, because the way I see this conflict, it is only because of ‪‎Hamas that Netenyahu and his government are trying to get rid of a part of humanity, and so it is crime against the whole of ‪#‎humanity.

You may call me an apostate or even a hypocrite, I don’t care; the truth remains the truth. The God that created us from male and female said He made us peoples and tribes so that we may know one another. He said indeed the most noble of us in His sight is the one who is deeply conscious of Him, for indeed, He is ON TOP OF THINGS. Except if there is another ‘clique’ of humans who’re more knower and wiser than God?

Individual tiers of economic growth and progress!

You know, like nations and states, people also have their tiers of economic growth and progress. There are ‘DEVELOPED’ people, ‘DEVELOPING’ people, ‘UNDERDEVELOPED’ people; and there are folks who’re either ‘REFUSING-TO-DEVELOP’ or ‘UNDEVELOPABLE’.


You know you’re a developed when your conditions are very convenient, like having ample financial and material security; when all your investments yield fat returns; when you start speaking with your fingers and folks start bowing down to your grace; when your flatterers multiply and even your boring jokes get laughed at

You’re developing when your social and economic standing is just so-so; you know, slowly but surely; you’re not very well heeled but you have a guaranteed income, good enough to afford your necessities and even some basic luxuries; but that is if you really save for it

You’re underdeveloped if you’re part of the humble crew; sometimes you get employed for a wage that resembles an 'offering plate', especially in monotonous manual jobs or awkward industrial works. Sometimes when folks are delighted that it is a public holiday, you’re in distress because your wages are on a daily basis; but you got to do what the system sets out for you, you have no choice!

Now if you have all those good-looking dreams and ideas for material comfort, but you choose slowness or you habitually and usually intentionally keep on postponing and delaying your attempts to bring your dreams to fruition, then my friend you’re refusing to develop.

Lastly, undevelopable is when in the face of everyone’s attempt to make you do well, you prefer to be obsessed with things of no value; you’re always careless with possessions, wastefully spending on things and parties that are to no purpose, until your helpers end up fatigued, because you've become too uneconomical to help.

Harmony at work!

Papa Njaga Mbye talking: “Service Bor Mana Yorr, Bul Xebb Ku Nyow Bess - Bul Seesit Kifa Jiitu, Bolleh Len Ligeuye” – Hajalloh Defa Nyaaw!


It doesn't matter where or what your line of work is, do not rate the newcomer too low, and let the rookie not also overly envy the veteran. Work together in harmony.

NOW LET ME EXPOUND: that on your team, at your workplace, your immediate area or just anywhere, when there is a sense of cooperative spirit and mutual effort, no amount of ‘wahala’ can be too burdensome. Even if y’all cannot take it straight out, if you collaborate you can at least drag it to where you want it.

I have seen ants [insects] do that all the time, and by God they’re able to tow even a dead cockroach. That’s what supportive civilisation is all about

See, even in the face of your matchless competence, doing everything solo can perhaps heighten an underserved sense of self; you can go on saying: “I did this, I did that and I did those too”, but all of ‘that’ cannot result in any collective victory, only teamwork can do that.

Matter of fact, weren't we taught in our management course groups that ‘TEAM’ stands for: T’ogether, E’veryone A’chieves M’ore?

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Peace or Cease!

Even in decent society, where calming tempers and putting differences to an end is a common moral duty, you’ll find conscienceless people who’re completely empty of interest and character to partake in anything heading for peace.

They’ll instead dig out everyone’s dirt, distort the truth and spread the lies, just to create commotion; but I am sure y’all know someone like that; that gutless idiot who’ll do his/her thing, sit at his/her corner acting guiltless; and when shit gets really stupid, he/she’ll cunningly ask:

“Mba Li Jaama La Yeh?”
“Mba Du Pobarr Lanj Fi Suye?”

If you ask me, it’s all lies; he/she knows what’s up already. Matter of fact, if he/she had it his/her way, humanity would've been fated to suffer endless clashes and fall-outs.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


Throwback to memories of many moons ago, when Michael Jordan jerseys, Dennis Rodman Converses, Patrick Ewing 33s, Air Jordan XIVs, Grant Hill's Fila sneakers, and so on were the thing; when 190E Benz and BMW were really happening; when these 'Kotos' will send their "semester" photo albums from Germany and drive my hood crazy with longing.

When we used to celebrate folly and ‘dumbassness’; when being constantly in the wrong was all right; when being in deep trouble or looking for someone to put you in deep shit became a pastime

Those years when we can mock, tease and yell at each other late at night, sometimes as late as 2 or 3am, and we wouldn't care whose parent was sound asleep; when ‘Eh-Ju-Kay-Shun’ was a waste of time and school was more fun when skipped; as well as other absurdities that are really out of place for for this piece LOL

Those days we thought we had it all figured out; some of my home boys thought their travel to Germany, Swiss or Italy was a sure thing, meanwhile I was going to pursue my Basketball dreams in America, and we’ll all come back home someday and live bigger lives; it was as if we were in absolute control of the plans we make.

Thank God I have lived to tell the tale, and to fix my life. I know I cannot polish all the messes, but I am trying; I can’t resolve the regretful past but I can redraft my story; and may all my buddies who’re still trapped in the wilds also outgrow the ridiculousness, so that they will be able to make sensible and well considered life decisions

Huh! This Back Way!

To Allah and ‘Nabi’, I have been talking, particularly with reference to this ‪‎back-way crisis, and I’ll keep talking and writing until I make no sense. I don’t care what anyone may take my attempts to mean. I just feel that curbing this urgent situation in whatever little way we can is a moral responsibility.

…but I have observed that here, when something really ugly is going on, people have a tendency to not sincerely state their opinion, they’ll more willing shut up and still expect a way out. Regarding this back-way thingy, I don’t know, perhaps with the purpose of avoiding controversy, some of us don’t want to appear to be opposed to it, 'teh Waruta Demay Nornu'; death is apparently targeting our young people and that’s so disturbing

I have tried to make these kids overstand that progress is a slow process, that not everything that looks precious about ‪‎Europe do always turn out to be so; BUT HOW CAN THEY LISTEN, when despite the many disappointments that SOME OF US face abroad, we still tend to display a false image in order to leave others back home so desirous. We all endeavour to be seen the way we want to be seen

These couple of months alone, I have heard about the demise of at least four kids that I knew in person; very diligent, well-bred and buoyant kids, whose good spirits apparently became infected because they thought their livelihood could no longer complement family expectations, they got convinced that Europe is where God resides, and perhaps a better place to accomplish their parents' wishes.

Very unfortunately, in preference to staying here and feeling heartbroken, they decided to either get to ‪‎Lampedusa, or drown or get blasted whilst trying, and that’s really sad…. R.I.P ‪‎Jagne, ‪‎Lamin Njie, ‪‎Buba Helsinki, Malang et al. May the age and ambitions y’all couldn't attain be compensated with Jannah; Amen!

Crap or Rap!

I am not an artist, but like right now, just give me a beat and a mic and I swear down, I’ll do better than some of these sorry ass niggling flash drive rappers. I am here trying to be musically nationalistic and all, BUT REALLY, some of these joints I am hearing are an insult to talent; totally devoid of substance. 

I am so done with the YO!YO!YO! Bullshit! 

…and until all these talentless MCs and DJs give way to quality; until they all give ground and go and learn a new trade; I’ll suggest plumbing and gas fitting, they’ll continue to be needless traffic jams and holdups, or keep creating unneeded issues for those who’re legit.

Fated Poverty!

You know before I became poor, I used to have that notion that ALL broke people are broke on account of their lack of effort, family-supported laziness or self damage (as in drugs and classy idleness) - it could be true to some extent

….but the older I became, the further I got tossed by the winds of destiny; it felt like fate was twisting everything I thought I had figured out; I started walking in the shoes of neediness and seeing through the eyes of real hardship; and now I cannot but overstand that circumstances aren't always the way they appear.

I was perhaps so unfeeling to not appreciate the fact that "ability is nothing without opportunity", that ambition and intelligence devoid of the occasion to exhibit is almost hopeless, and having the right talent in the wrong place and with the wrong connections is a non-starter…May God lessen our burdens and bail us out of poverty

I will always be kid at heart!

Playing ’Padinyedi’ [hopscotch] with the kids the other day was fun. We skipped and hopped, and screamed: “PRIMISO”, “AH DIE?” from ‘NUMBER ONE’ to the ‘RESTING HOUSE’ –It was a needed therapy; I felt my soul being healed from the thorny problems of this (insert your adjective) world.

That’s what’s up; kids are genuine; no ill feelings and no falseness. One of them missed a step and they all looked concerned; and by the lack of fire on their faces I knew theirs was no synthetic pity; BUT WILL THEY REMAIN THIS GENUINE ONCE THEY BECOME ADULTS?

Well! They can, if only our time doesn't contaminate them with its irresolvable evils; if only they’re not cheapened to be satisfied with mediocrity, if they do not get infected with poverty, dirtied and polluted with greediness; if they don’t get hate-infested or corrupted with egotism and high-living.

You see, we [adults] must overstand that we’re the blueprints to these kids’ ultimate reality; every part of what they do and what they become is only a facsimile of the things they imitated from us; GIVE THEM SOMETHING CLEAN TO EMULATE…SEEN!

You only get one life to live...

I’m sure some of you’ll remember my bashing of those kids who fervently trust that “you only live once” (YOLO), mostly to feed their desire ...