Sunday 27 September 2015

Titles are earned not given...

You cannot attain the recognition you desire by wearing Prada and doing nada. And you cannot retain a title by aiming to reach the same stage that earned you a title; that's stagnation. Progress is when you're able to exceed your highest previously recorded level; when you're able to break every record including your own.

Here, some of us are impressively gifted, and could hold titles at what we do, but we hardly excel because we tend to focus too much on preventing others from doing better, consequently losing sight of the fact that the best way to earn or to defend a title is to focus on doing better than you currently are.

We are sometimes not unlike that  Basketball Centre that plays as if defence is all about "boxing out" everyone at the paint, that he forgets there's a rebound to catch, or an "alley-oop" to make. So his fans end up losing thrill, wishing he could just focus on the damn ball.

Even in corporate circles, folks will be all over the place looking for programmes that'll earn them more diplomas than Mr. Mugabe, instead of performing the job to be done. They fail to realise that they could've learned best by doing. But that's why the paperless workers that do all the work end up being more competent.

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You only get one life to live...

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