Sunday 13 September 2015

Ashobi tendency...

Sometimes our society is such that the choices of the people we give distinction to, are expected to be appealing and answering to everyone else's taste and needs. So standing out to do your own thing, and to be the best YOU that you can be is seen to be out of place, even though we know it's best to be oneself.

Sometimes I think we're protesting against diversity and ingenuity. But that's why even the clothes we wear are not unlike "Ashobi" - so pervading; the reason why we speak the same Amina Pote or "Un Café Avec" inspired lingo; the reason why we listen to the same vibe, act in the same manner, and with essentially the same flow.

Ours is such that someone who doesn't know Cess Ngum can ask if you know Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope) of "Scandal." Say no you don't and the next remark is: "yow fo deka?" Like knowing the name of a certain foreign TV personality is also a standard by which grace is measured. Mtchew!

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