Friday 4 September 2015

Glad to be different...

Growing up, our version of being tough was to be daring without cause, and to be brutally capable of fighting back. We thought being strong was all about going to inter-school games, to parties or to the beach looking for a fight, having pepper sprays and pointed blades on us just for the heck of it.

Some of us had everything including caring homes, but we appreciated nothing. We got invariably rounded up, and God gave us twenty-ten second chances to change, but is like we got trapped in the game, and we just won't get it. We thought being different was a weakness.

By God I grew up to become conscious of the fact that it is even more heroic to be positively different, that trying to be like Biggs, Wayne, Mad Max, Teddy Bruckshut, Gussy, Raquel, or Dangles, and failing to realise that those characters were but fictional, was in fact the silliest thing to do.

But that’s what’s up! You’ll not be the gentleman you need to be unless you grow up, and you’ll not grow up unless your tolerance level for stupid bullshit is greater than before; unless you no longer have to go out prepared to fight or act in response to everyone and everything, or make a big deal over every nonsense, and unless you’re no longer afraid to stand out and carve your own path.

You may not be using a potty, and you may not necessarily be wetting your bed, but you know you’re still in diapers if even way after college, or at twenty-something, you still conduct yourself like you’re thirteen. This is not just a story, it is reality, a wake-up call to others at risk.

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