Sunday 28 June 2015

Believers have limits...

"I will do whatever damn well pleases me." You and I hear this all the time; in fact I must confess that I say it when I get really pissed off. But to be honest, saying it in matters of faith and as someome who calls himself a believer is the pits of foolishness.

Granted, God said there's is no compulsion in religion, but let's not forget that this carte blanche stops the moment you sincerely submit to His Will; because then you're expected to observe the teachings, the rules, the laws and the regulations that guide or prescribe the conduct of a true believer.

Now let me give an analogy: say for instance you sat to your grade nine exams. You will naturally have an abundance of high schools to go to, except your marks deny you.

Now let's assume you did well and decided to go to Nusrat High School. Tell me, will you tell Mr. Bojang (the principal) that you'll come to school as and when you damn well like, wear whatever you want, you'll not attend the daily "assemblies" and you'll not go to school on Saturdays, will you?

LOL..l bet, knowing Mr. Bojang the way I think I know him, he won't even hesitate to expel your arse out of his school - now I rest my case!

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