Thursday 29 January 2015

Be self-confident, and start it now!

One of my homegirls (Skinny) said being slim makes her feel at ease in the presence of others, especially when she is to sit on seats at sitting rooms, in public transports, shows etc. and that it is easier to find stylish clothes. She said she has no reason to reduce her weight or stress about bulge stomach, and she believes that’s healthier. Her boyfriend confirms that he’ll never trade his ‘Cheb Bu Sayw’ for anything.

Another homegirl (Chubby) on the other hand said what’s considered “healthier” is sometimes relative, as there is what she calls “detrimental thinness”. She believes that today’s “stylish clothes” look better when you have curves stretching them out, and that the chubbier you’re, the more rhythm you’ll offer. Her significant other has confirmed that – he said he’s blessed that she’s endowed with an adorable ample proportion that he can play with, whatever that means.

My homeboy (Lanky) said being long-limbed helps him to get hold of towering things and doesn’t find it tough to see over crowds of people. He said he has no discomfort about people looking down at him, because he doesn’t have to look higher than usual to see everyone’s face, but most of all, he said the taller the sexier and can ignite every lady’s protection instinct, he said I should ask the ladies about that.

Then again, another homeboy (Shawty) said he doesn’t worry about clothing sizes, because he can even shop at children’s fashion sections, and when what he buys is long, he takes it to a tailor to hem it short, but said you cannot hem what’s short to become long. He said with his great centre of gravity, he hardly tumbles over. He is never bothered about leg room and can lie-down to sleep anywhere without needing extra space, he doesn’t have to bow to not bump his head when walking through entrances, and when he cannot reach certain things, he said tall people are always willing to help. In particular, he said he is always looking young, and that shorter people evidently live longer lives. I cannot confirm that, but I know shorter folks are so spirited and ‘Barri horom.’

Generally, and in my honest opinion, we (slim, fat, tall or short) are all awesome in our different ways. I believe the art of awesomeness is not in one’s mass, extent or dimension, but about the confidence you have for being whom, what and how you are. I believe those of us beholders who get to decide on who is more awesome than the other are only putting mere opinions into effect. I believe one can only be second-rated by people’s opinions if he or she consents.

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