Monday 11 December 2017



"Olof Njie neh bukki su yabbeh gaindeh sa dohin wa la." (If an hyena disrespects the lion, it's prob'ly because the lion wasn't evincive of his lion-like appearance, stateliness and dignity).

Same way, how the world sees Africa is up to Africa, to our self-esteem and composure. In one thought-provoking blog post that I read sometime ago, written by Malaka in January 2012, titled: "You Lazy (Intellectual) African Scum!" The white character referenced therein tried to illustrate why white people feel superior to the African and I take excerpt: 

"The white guy who picks up garbage, the homeless white trash on drugs, feels superior to you no matter his status or education. I can pick up a nincompoop from the New York streets, clean him up, and take him to Lusaka and you all be crowding around him chanting muzungu, muzungu and yet he’s a riffraff."

Man, perhaps because of the melanin overdose in me, I emotionalised the piece and I was so, so mad. But soon after I replaced "Lusaka" with "Senegambia" and "muzungu" with "toubab," I began to rationalise, and it all made sense.

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You only get one life to live...

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