Friday 25 March 2016

Nahateh bi...

The language herein may seem explicit, but only if you see it that way.

It doesn't matter what he tells you, if he asks you out just like that, at a place and time like that, and in a state like that, I am not saying his intention's evil, but beware of carnal intent. If he does you just that, and gives you all that, don't go about pretending to have fooled him, because you didn't. If you like it like that, go kinky babes, make it count. Hehe!

Some who like to enhance their own vanity will say: "Suma doff bi! Koku sumako wonay yoyu monu, mba ma raaye ko tuti rek mu daanu." Like he cums with just a tiny stroke and a lil striptease. But even if a handjob is all he got whilst he rolls your pill, probably because that's all the stimulation he needed, he's got what he wanted. So don't flatter yourself - 'hanna kai nahateh, wye du yako nah!'

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