Monday, 3 March 2014

You're not a Tree! MOVE!

I so love this quote: “You’re not a tree! If you don’t like where you are, move!” –in another version it reads: "If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree."

YES! If you’re in an area, a place of work or just anywhere, and you feel there is nothing in excess of zero prospect to be different; if hard-feelings and ill-will seem to be the only opportunity you’re delimited by; if you can’t seem to cut off from that frustration of a situation then what the heck are you waiting for ? - WALK!

I am not a success advice-giver, but I am in no doubt that sometimes your progress waits on your ability to bravely go after it. Your going could be for a jiffy, it could be as near as next door or as far as ‘Foday Kunda’, the choice is yours....

...and I even overstand that when it came to a point where the Mekkans started to be very violent, hurling dust and directing insults at Prophet Mohammed (saw), he relocated to Medinah… didn’t he?

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