Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Faith...I mean true Faith!

If we as Muslims do not want to give the devil a trouble-free ride to do us harm, we should bring the senseless rivalry within us to a close; and for an entrée, let some of us who do not know ‘book’ about religion; about its tradition and teachings overcome the petty prejudices by shutting up and let those on their toes with it to truthfully speak.
Personally, I do not think any Islamic assembly (I prefer not to call it sect) was initiated to be in any unceasing tussle for predominance or command over one another. I believe it is only healthy that we sometimes have honest differences of views and honest debates, to help re-brand or re-establish the true standards of any matter under debate.

I may be dead wrong, but I thought the ‘nomenclatures’ of our various assemblies are just parallel means to the same purpose? Meaning; the truth is what all the various assemblies [I presume] are set out to develop. Why then will some of us owe our ultimate allegiance to just 'a group', so much so that it gets in the way of our devotion to the larger ‘Truth’?

Why will some of us use honest religious debates as platform to mislead and misinform people or to excite disunity? Isn’t it a shame that each time we debate about faith, we tend to be devoid of the spirit of bringing out the best in ourselves and in others? Haven’t we done enough harm to religion already? Why should we keep weakening the discipline and wise conduct that true doctrine was [I’m sure] set to infuse?

Isn’t it a big disgrace that there is always some graceless degree of dispute between our various assemblies concerning the maintenance of very simple matters of the same statement of belief? Arguments and contretemps so insensitive that genuine listeners and truth-seekers like me are in total disorientation about the legitimacy of certain standpoints we were made to have faith in; and how can we serve with assurance if there is so much disunity among us? ‪#‎WontWeReason‬?

P.S...In one of Haile Selassie’s speeches on Faith, he was quoted to have said: "No one should question the faith of others, for no human being can judge the ways of God.”

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