Tuesday, 4 March 2014


It is wrong to enjoy being mocking and sneering, but even more horrible not to be audacious enough to openly do it...Sometimes we have friends like that; who’ll act out to be the coolest beings ever created, yet in very cunningly ways, they’ll pull you to pieces by undercutting your authenticity; and you’ve to be very sharp-witted to even be aware of it…

Hold on; perhaps I’m not too expressive above, let me give an example:

A young lady comes into the crowd, with an outfit so fresh; very attractive curves, good-looking and up to date; the gathering couldn’t but show the sister some love and respect.

…then this insensitive green-eye of a best friend now wants to taint that warm approval; so she enviously whispered, but deliberately so loud that members of the crowd could overhear; She said:

"Babes I told you, all that bump at your lower stomach is gone, no one will realise you had an abortion"... and like a bitch, she keeps on “Heheey! What a backside if they knew you’re wearing a padded panty”…

WTF; was that supposed to be a flattering remark or ridicule?

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You only get one life to live...

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