Wednesday, 31 December 2014


You know there are many types of fools, but leading amongst fools are two. Number one is the one that is not exposed to reality, but pretends to be on top of everything and number two is the one who is certainly exposed, but blatantly refuses to accept reality.

Fool number one’s perception is illusory, everything they think they know is misleading; and number two’s is delusional, or perhaps same difference, because I guess the pea-wit, the halfwit, the nitwit, the twit and the foolish-wit are all of questionable intelligence, they’re all knuckleheads.

1 comment:

You only get one life to live...

I’m sure some of you’ll remember my bashing of those kids who fervently trust that “you only live once” (YOLO), mostly to feed their desire ...