Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Keep Feminism Afloat

Nice!!! It seems there is headway; very refreshing to note that some of these young women are really aware of the fact that one doesn’t have to be a woman to keep feminism afloat. I have talked to more than a few of them, and I'm glad that they respect the fact that there are men who perceive women and gender fairness in an even more sincere manner.

Shout out to you if you believe there are men who will always be promoters of equal recognition for equal capability, and equal compensation for equal labour; men who do not think women are insubstantial or second-rate, men who believe in fair and merit based treatment, and the fact that everyone, regardless of gender, should be given what they rightfully deserve.

I guess that’s what’s up!!! I solemnly affirm that I’ll unfailingly be there for you, if you’ll uniformly not waver in being there for me, seen!!! More like scratching each other's backs

However, y’all genuine feminists have a serious disincentive to your good cause and you probably don’t know it. The “disincentive” being those PSEUDO-FEMINISTS, those whose handling of issues is not unlike the conduct of this one that prompted this post.

Apparently, their facts about feminism are so badly lit that they think being one means having the notion that ALL men (including Omar Touray) are savagely cruel, ‘Nyaka-Ewu’, rapists, female-haters/beaters and pedophiles that must be destroyed at any cost.

They probably believe that feminism is about asking for seventy-ten times more privileges for them than their male counterparts, or expecting the entire women community to stand up for them against ALL men and at all times, even if they’re completely in the wrong...If you ask me, such people need ‘Dawah’ – call it ‘Dawatul-Feminism’; let them stop the pointless generalisation. Ah!

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