Monday, 25 September 2017

Pray for our newfound democracy...

I'm neither a political expert nor pretending to be one. But I needn't be one to opine that the saddest disservice to any budding democracy is NOT criticism (without malign) intended to provide suggestions for improvement, but the dishonesty of those who got defeated of their political expectations and are taking forever to get over the cycle of grief.

It's those who tend to become the reason why I feel like burning politics: those hellbent on emboldening a support structure that'll create third rail issues, either for the heck of controversy or to entice potentially polarised individuals to rebel out of imposed disillusionment.

It's those who (since it's a majority rule) make it look as if the electorate was duped, and now it's that tyranny that they've been warning folks about, as if there's a certain cabal in power that's placing its own interests above and at the expense of country, and as if there is/are groups that are deliberately targeted for oppression, sans statistics.

If they are really good and the audience is manipulatable, they'll succeed in giving them a perception of disarray, just to create a tension to exploit. I hope this our thing we call democracy be saved.

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