Friday, 9 June 2017

The fara-fennis...

None so shifty in opinion (especially on social media) as he who wishes to belong to the circle of those who he believes hold some social (media) prominence, swear down. Such a person could be seen and heard parroting all over, granting authority to every word of those whose approval he lusts after, though conflicting.

Hold on. I think I should give an example. I think my narrative English is failing me:

Mr. X pessimistically posts on his wall: "The way I see it, this 'New Gambia' is incapable of success." Dude comments: "Spot on! I've been saying this like, forever."

On Mr. Y's wall is a rejoinder saying: "This 'New Gambia' will succeed, because the administration's proceeding as planned." The same dude comments: "I couldn't agree more. I think people are just being too adversarial, but really, we are on track."

Wait, me that's a mutual follower and sees both comments is now confused like: grr, what tha hell! Dude, yowe fo farr (where do you stand?) Do you even have a mind of your own? So, you see, one reason why the verbal (political) onslaught on here cyaan done?

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You only get one life to live...

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