Thursday, 4 May 2017

Not all of us can have a path as swift...

I had an interesting conversation with one bigwig, about the bad joke that I thought some jobs are. He agreed, but then he shared his with me - how he came from America and grabbed his first job of planting trees for an agriculture department that was at the time afforesting a certain forest; kinda menial for an American degree holder. Fast forward today, if you see him, you'll think the angel, man and jinn are all conspiring to make him great.

You see, qualification regardless, not all of us can have a path as swift as those highly paid young urban professionals on Wallstreet. However, nothing lawful you do for a living, and like your future depends on it should be seen as an embarrassing use of your education. Inspired by his story, I came to terms with reality, and the fact that some will go against rocky times and odds before they could break out. But with hope and due diligence, anyone can climb up the social ladder and create a new identity for oneself. So keep pushing; by God, it shall be well.

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