Thursday, 4 May 2017

Gambia and the government blueprint...

"Blueprint"- the latest buzzword. My opinion: I'll rather a government that keeps me on a need-to-know, but gets things moving, keeps ticking right boxes, not trying to do everything at once, than to be romanced with speeches and promises not intended to be kept. I have had too much of those already: Poverty Re(pro)duction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), Vision 20-somethings that kept changing, the decelerated Programme for Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE), the digitised oil on CD, and other acronyms unending.

Perhaps the reason why the “New Gambia” Government is yet to provide the highly craved blueprint is because they're trying to overstand why most of the neatly blueprinted schemes in the past didn't work, and to avoid a 'dankong-dorong' typa plan. If so and I hope so, that's fair enough. We don't want to start from bloom to gloom. Misdoing is tabling a national blueprint just to stop the public outcry, but without commitment; you know, one that'll just pass the time, and end up being just another false-hope-raising tired arse wish.

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