Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Man will always be governed somehow...

But I think it's common knowledge that no society can operate ungoverned. Now whether your preferred system of government is called an emirate, a caliphate, a republic, a colony, a kingdom, an empire, or some 'cracy' ending noun, the superintendence of communal affairs must be trusted to the care of some system somehow, usually geographically relative, and all systems are corruptible.

So if your revolutionarity, anarchism, or your mental emancipation drive is all about labeling every society's power structure as corrupt, repressive, unjust, and all political systems as similar in evil as a 6 is to a 9, like I see many a contemporary radical change advocate do, you're advocating for a systemless, most probably a lawless society, and that'll be so absurd.

I have nothing against revolutionary mindedness. In fact, I admire catalysts for change, but really, if you're gonna try to change what is, you gotta offer more than just glorified hypothetical speculations - you know, not just charging all systems of owing allegiance to some foreign power, without solid reasons or facts, and suggesting very slippery utopian alternatives... that kinda radical mentality isn't as balanced either, if not more jaundiced in judgment than the standing mindsets that it seeks to change.

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