Friday, 19 May 2017

Growing up...and now.

Growing up, my crew wasn't a model of propriety, I know that. In fact, we almost never bowed to conventions of society, often berated and alienated for being so. But one honourable thing about us was that we remained an undivided entity; we had principles. Ours was a brotherhood founded on sincerity and trust. We rode, even where the ride was for a fall, without hesitation from anyone, because each was genuinely regardful of the other, leading to a greater sense of faith that each will always have the others' backs no matter what.

Today that I have grown into... this, all I see is the politics, ruthless schemes, expediency above principles, self above service, of professionals who can tell the difference between right and wrong yet act like they don't, who'd make calls against their consciences because they wouldn't want to jeopardise their personal ambitions, standing for causes that they don't even believe in, calling each other friends when times are good, only to fall out when things get difficult or problems crop up, y'know, faithlessness in the people that we expect to know/do better... but, perhaps it's normal; maybe it's just me that's not built for it.

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You only get one life to live...

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