Monday, 13 February 2017

The Alkali Koto Syndrome...

When a government was in power, especially for so long, and now in the opposition, one should expect the 'Alkali Koto Syndrome' - it's an equivalent of the "Obsessive Ex Syndrome." It starts with the refusal to accept that the other partner has decided that the relationship is over, to attempting to reconcile, to the stalking, the disapproval of what is, etc.

What I'm tryna say is, whether expressed in action or argument, and though baseless, there'll be some political resistance or dissent from the former's, and there'll be denial by those who are still emotionally attached to what was. They'll tend to sympathise so much with their anguish, that they'll be too distracted to accept that it is a new beginning, and prolly should mentally let go.

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