Saturday, 31 January 2015

Letter to Born-again Muslims

Dear Born-again Muslim,

If Allah opens your heart to the truth, and today by His will you’re free from your formerly wanton and depraved lifestyle, say "praise be to Allah" and try to be an inspiration to others, for it is Allah that guides whom He wills. BUT looking down your nose at brothers and sisters who’re seemingly trapped in a certain state of disobedience or regarding them with contempt and considering yourself superior to them is a very horrible thing to do.

Remember that not long ago, you were one of them and perhaps weaker in faith than they are right now, you’re just rehabilitated perhaps. So you cannot start acting as if salvation is an undivided birthright, like you've already secured your permit in the bag, to live permanently in ‘Jannah’, and in place of wishing for others what you wish for yourself, you keep shaking your head with pride and in expression of pity for those who’re yet to belong.

LISTEN! I am not a scholar and I am not pretending to be one, but I know Allah finds arrogant conducts unacceptable, and I also know that your salvation came from His mercy and not through your strength of will. I believe the proper thing to do is to bring others close to the path of righteousness by becoming a selfless CALLER and NOT A BULLY, knowing that everyone’s ultimate goal is that ‘Jannah’ that you’re seemingly trying to monopolise.

Don’t be concerned chiefly with your own personal salvation. Have sincere intention for calling others, and make sure you’re truly practising what you’re calling people to. Never conclude on anyone’s doom by looking at his or her appearance, and never be overly comfortable with your newborn glory, because the ego is a dangerous thing when inflated, and there is many a slip between the cup and the lip.

Also, SU’NYORE WARREH, NANJ WARREH REK TEH BAYI DI TEETALANTEH, FI KEN GENU FEH NYEMEH KEN DEAH – I mean when we’re preaching, let’s do it appealingly and stop scaring the heck out of each other.  Stop pretending to be fearless when it comes to matters of death, because when death should seek consent, I am 100% sure that everyone will want another chance.

Concerned Believer and Someday Da’i 

Cc: Serving/Practising Da'is

Friday, 30 January 2015

Be fair-minded

In this life, what you assume is what you’ll see, and how you see it is how you’ll feel it, and maybe I should also say what you feel is what you act in response to.

For instance, someone was in the habit of doing something for you or with you, but suddenly stops doing it or is no longer regular, now if you choose to discount all other odds and interpret that as betrayal, wouldn't betrayal be exactly what you’ll see? CERTAINLY, and that’s because your judgement was subjectively preconceived.

As superior beings, we need to be objective in considering causes and effects. It could be that the person failed to fulfil that duty because he forgot. Maybe he was so busy but was going to make amends for it, or perhaps didn't do what was supposed to be done as a result of something you may have done or not done. Maybe the person was in a certain state or just not in the mood. People get worked up at times and can be thrown off balance, that’s only natural.

If you ask me, be fair-minded in your judgement, for things are not always the way they seem. If you overstand the fact that we all have our shortcomings, you’ll certainly make allowances for the other person’s inadequacies; and in place of pointing a finger at one another, each one will go all-out to fix whatever issue there is. This is how unassuming beings behave; they don’t absolve themselves from fault.


If you want to remain in your cool while driving through a typical Jollof street, then you certainly will need a lot of tolerance for bullshits, because even if you’re driving at acceptable speed and observing all the rules, some of these small minds will still disrespect you, except if the way you're driving is tamed by or appeals to their selfish preferences.

In addition to some traffic cops and their biases, insolent pedestrians that are seemingly disenchanted with their pedestrian lives will also not let you be. They’ll snap like:

Hey! Driver Dor Fuckina Daw Ndanka, Hanna Ya Mujay Am Moto - Driver Gaawal Romba, Loi Wonaywu, Hanna Legi Nga Mun Moto Nak – Yow Musulo Mai Goor Lift, Jigeun Yi Rek Nga Day Mai Ride - Driver Dor Xol, So Fi Laaleh Nit - Driver Yow Ku Stupid Nga, Dor Nyu Mai Nyu Jaala –Waachel Sa Lampa Bi Wye, Yang Nyore Disturb – Nyun Falleh Wunj Sa Pot Bi, Giss Nanj Fi Lamborghini!

Driver you better drive the fuck slow! You’re not the only one that owns a car – Speed up driver, what’s with the bluff, are you new to driving? - You will never give your fellow men a ride, but you can carry women everywhere - Driver you better watch out, if you hit anyone here – Driver you’re so stupid, cant you allow us to pass – Driver your headlight lit is disturbing, dim the lights – No one cares about this your saucepan that you call a car, we've seen Lamborghinis!

Ordinarily, I will stop with a screech of my brakes to react, but I guess I have outgrown that phase now. I don’t find it respectable to react to narrow-minds, for I believe the bitterness and hostility is more upsetting to the one feeling bitter than it is to me. I don’t know, but sometimes our actions on these streets are all allusive references to how we live and treat each other in real-life. You know, people expecting everybody to desire or despise on their behalf. May the beloved Creator guard us from playing part in prejudice, hopeless envy, hatred and all evil temptations…Amen!

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Be self-confident, and start it now!

One of my homegirls (Skinny) said being slim makes her feel at ease in the presence of others, especially when she is to sit on seats at sitting rooms, in public transports, shows etc. and that it is easier to find stylish clothes. She said she has no reason to reduce her weight or stress about bulge stomach, and she believes that’s healthier. Her boyfriend confirms that he’ll never trade his ‘Cheb Bu Sayw’ for anything.

Another homegirl (Chubby) on the other hand said what’s considered “healthier” is sometimes relative, as there is what she calls “detrimental thinness”. She believes that today’s “stylish clothes” look better when you have curves stretching them out, and that the chubbier you’re, the more rhythm you’ll offer. Her significant other has confirmed that – he said he’s blessed that she’s endowed with an adorable ample proportion that he can play with, whatever that means.

My homeboy (Lanky) said being long-limbed helps him to get hold of towering things and doesn’t find it tough to see over crowds of people. He said he has no discomfort about people looking down at him, because he doesn’t have to look higher than usual to see everyone’s face, but most of all, he said the taller the sexier and can ignite every lady’s protection instinct, he said I should ask the ladies about that.

Then again, another homeboy (Shawty) said he doesn’t worry about clothing sizes, because he can even shop at children’s fashion sections, and when what he buys is long, he takes it to a tailor to hem it short, but said you cannot hem what’s short to become long. He said with his great centre of gravity, he hardly tumbles over. He is never bothered about leg room and can lie-down to sleep anywhere without needing extra space, he doesn’t have to bow to not bump his head when walking through entrances, and when he cannot reach certain things, he said tall people are always willing to help. In particular, he said he is always looking young, and that shorter people evidently live longer lives. I cannot confirm that, but I know shorter folks are so spirited and ‘Barri horom.’

Generally, and in my honest opinion, we (slim, fat, tall or short) are all awesome in our different ways. I believe the art of awesomeness is not in one’s mass, extent or dimension, but about the confidence you have for being whom, what and how you are. I believe those of us beholders who get to decide on who is more awesome than the other are only putting mere opinions into effect. I believe one can only be second-rated by people’s opinions if he or she consents.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Everyone is a thinker...sort of!

I think everyone is a thinker or has the capacity to think. Perhaps the promptness of thoughts and type of thinking is what makes us different, but above all what we do with our individual thoughts.

Some put theirs into lyrics and chant it. Some translate them into words and write it. Some stand in their pulpits to preach it, some teach it and others perform it. Some prefer to keep theirs to themselves. Some will sit on some and disclose a few, like self-censorship, depending on either preference or situation.

To some, the best way to draw people in to their thought is by sounding loud, rather than tactfully persuasive. Such people have a tendency to expect everyone to think like them, which sometimes makes them fairly irrational, because they tend to discount the fact that everyone has their own way of doing or approaching things.

Some are sharper than others in reacting sensibly; that’s why whether at informal hangouts or in work group discussions, these quick-witted ones are likely to win undisputed consensus. However, where rivalry is given space, the slow thinkers have a tendency to be uncomfortable, and may allege that the smart ones are only trying to make their presence felt, when that’s not the case.

These things are natural. People who are acquainted with a certain subject matter are expected to act in double time and without uneasiness. It’s not theirs or anyone’s fault that things seem to be going their way. We are all styled and endowed differently, so don't hate the player because he’s winning, hate the game for jacking up the rules to a level beyond your reach.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


Maybe he is neither unwilling nor unable to do it. Maybe it is not determined by career, healthier income or own house. Maybe there is a Higher Power that controls events. Maybe his desire to do it at a certain projected time is but a fantasy, if it is not in conformity with that Higher Power’s plans for him. Maybe certain things are outside fate. Maybe his efforts aren’t good enough.

Maybe it is normal to hesitate in taking an untried road, not knowing where it may lead to. Maybe the normal thing to do is to make a wild decision without panic about the odds of where the road might lead to. Maybe it’s a whole lot of circumstances conspiring to decelerate the decision. Maybe he’s single but not lonely. Maybe that too is a violation of his vows of chastity. Maybe he’s not too easy to live with. Maybe he’s being made wiser by very hurting experiences.

Maybe the references and the rate of annulments that he’s seen so far are not so encouraging. Maybe folks are right, he should trust his heart and just do it. Maybe they’re only trying to bait him into that distress of a sickly union that is sometimes better separate than together. Maybe he’s right in not lusting for it simply because everyone is doing it. Maybe she’s not telling him but she’s tired of waiting. Maybe she knows it’s only a matter of time before she says “I Do”, and he hopes she does

Maybe thinking the way he is thinking and trying to coordinate his life in order of priority is impious. Maybe he should just take the plunge no matter how deep, and what he sees is what he gets. Maybe he should hold on, perhaps Napoleon Bonaparte is right, maybe "ability is nothing without opportunity." Maybe he has both, but his patience so far is indeed the most practical thing to do. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Maybe he wants to be very married and not just married out of curiosity, trendiness or the excitement of a wedding that typically lasts only a day, or three these days. This institution should last a lifetime and so should be a serious business. Maybe these hypotheses are but a load of crap!

Conceivably, I think Morgan Heritage has the most fitting explanation - hear this: “It's a feeling no man can deny and it's a moment no money can buy, because when it comes it comes, that's when the playing is done, and a woman's victory is won - that's when he feels no shame crying in pain – when he realizes that games don't bring gain - that's when he's ready to be faithful”

Monday, 26 January 2015


If closeness is all what it takes to be in each other’s best interest, then in preference to baobab leaves, the millet would’ve used its own powdered leaves as ‘Laalo’ (sap) - then water wouldn’t have been drawn on to steam fish...That was a rephrase of the following Wolof proverb:

Su Jeggeh Mba Dendalay Don N’jerign,
Nikon Dugub, Xob Yaa Koy Laalo -
Nikon Ndox Du Toga Jen

Sadly, closeness and relations are not all the time to ones advantage. Sometimes your mess up is caused by the ones that are so close to you, the same ones that will thereafter say they feel for you. I don’t know, but I guess that’s the reason why it’s so hard to forgive, because instead of enmity stemming from enemies, it mostly stems from so-called friends and confidants.  

Perhaps some of you have gone through something like that firsthand, like your good heart blinding you into trusting in someone who then turns his on you, stabbing you in the back and leaving you with a broken spirit. I think it’s an age-old human phenomenon, established by stories of Solomon the wisest, Samson the strongest, Jesus Christ the prophet, and even what Brutus did to Caesar.

Take for instance the people you made, or once cared for when they were nothing turning into rivals as soon as they become a little comfortable, or when they have new friends that they think can thrust them into the limelight.

See close friends stealing each other's partners and feeling amused about it - buddies doing baby-mothers of homeboys they roll with and just for the heck of it - girlfriends ditching boyfriends for better investors - coaches blocking out talents by purposely leaving certain key players on the bench - students hating on friends with exceptional school performance - work colleagues stuck in the rat race - even weed-heads informing on fellow potheads... list is endless.

Shit’s a dog eat dog thingy! So weird and hurting, but suffices to say that sometimes the one you'd take a fall for is the one that will push you off the cliff, to speed up your fall and to smile smiles motivated by your tears.

Never despair if it should happen to you. Let the disappointment go and be seen to be doing well. Be selfless even when everyone around you appears to be selfish. Limit your emotions of hatred and try to regain your good sense. Stop feeling alone or thinking that everyone is everyone else; find something useful to do. Screw the effin sadness and pray to God for durable existence, so that when Karma eventually comes to settle scores, you wouldn’t miss a part, for it will certainly be exciting to watch.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

The ‘Campeh’ is not that bad!

Listen! I know there are some hopeless people in these hangouts (campehs), folks who’re infected with folly, but expect other people to take antibiotics on their behalf; third class junkies that decent people tend to avoid, but to them, that evasion is like you’re scared of them.

But that’s not the point I want to make on here. I think I was disrespected, and I happen to be a concerned ‘campeh-dweller’ who finds it really unfair when folks make a generalised claim that all campeh-addicted people are no different, that we have so much time on our hands that we tend to allocate ourselves the luxury of foolishness, careless talks and crude jokes.

I believe someone needs to put it in plain words and for the attention of those pseudo-intellectuals that pass such judgements, that not everyone that ‘campehs’ is irresponsible in conduct, that some of us are even more responsible than some of you that perhaps think irresponsibleness belongs to us.

In fact, do you know what we also think? We think it is beside the point and totally misplaced to pretend to have all the ideas needed to salvage us, when all you do in the process of defining those ideas into strategies is to quarrel about/over words, resulting in endless preliminary versions of confused strategies that end up disused in computer hard drives.

Like the other day I listened in to what they call an “intellectual discussion,” and guess what? These strangely educated people talked at inordinate length, assessing the appropriateness of three words: ‘key’, ‘core’ and ‘generic’, intended to be prefixed to a certain skill. Can you imagine; it took them donkey’s hours debating whether to call that skill a ‘key-skill’, ‘core-skill’ or ‘generic-skill’. In the end they couldn't even reach a consensus, but artfully said they've agreed to disagree.

Screw that! If it were my crew, rather than that kind of verbal onslaught or intellectual-masturbation, we’ll agree in five minutes, or just say ‘whatever’ and move on. So I guess we’re not as lavish of invaluable time as claimed.

FOR THE RECORD, I have nothing against intellectuals; I have seen legit ones, and I admire those who've been through it all, earned their scholarly successes and have an undeniable street-cred. They are not into that pointless exhibition of scholarly airs. I believe if you call yourself an intellectual and you cannot offer, create or show anything for it, other than that thing hanging on your wall, and perhaps caught up in that aggressive and competitive struggle for bigger jobs and positions rather than creating them, then you’re not worth your salt.

Some of them, instead of being solidly indicative of what they learned at their ivory towers, they’ll be talking garbage about people whose preferences do not go well with that stereotypical clean-cut image. Yeah, if you’re not short haired, combed or cleanly shaved, you don’t talk with class, or you’re not the “jacket and tie” obsessed type, then forget about being worthy of an esteemed lifestyle; and even worse if you resemble a pothead.

Sometimes I wish some of them are willing to get off their high horses, pay a quick visit or two to one of these ‘campehs’, they’ll be amazed by the wealth of common sense they can derive benefit from, and perhaps overstand how effectual the supposed hard life is....Like seriously, the kind of knowledge and wisdom you can gain by being a part of these ‘campehs’, you will get your head explode if you think you can read it all from the book. Nothing beats talking about issues while sipping that ‘Ristic Warga’(Green tea) - and of course with little gossip…lol

Friday, 23 January 2015


Listen, this is official...sort of! If you’re in the habit of sharing your woes and particularly relational difficulties with everyone, especially with those ‘If-It-Were-Me’ kinda people, it’s about damn time you put a stop to it. Some of these people are good at acting as if they like you, and can keenly be involved in everything that involves you, but believe me, it’s either out of nosiness or for very mean and ulterior motives. Just because they gave a listening ear doesn’t mean they’re incapable of causing your downfall - beware!

Remember this Wolof proverb: “JAPPAL, MA ENNI LA”, DU SAWAR’LA ENNI, WYE BUGA XAM LO ENU’Meaning: not everyone that offers his service to help you with what you’re carrying on your head is really a caring type, some are only motivated to see what’s in the thing that you’re carrying.

But if you really need to talk about it, to give vent to your emotions for instance, know what and how much of it to say, when to say it, and to whom. Otherwise, I’ll suggest that you have an honest talk with your significant other and try to fill up the crack, knowing that you wouldn't ordinarily tangle ropes with someone that you do not share the same well with.

Keep in mind that when envious people are without what you have, they should be regarded with suspicion, because they tend to have this feeling of being left in their hopeless conditions, and so they’ll do anything to pick up, even if it means pulling you down to their level.  If you ask me, before you talk to them about anything, check them clean and make sure their hands are unsoiled. Civilisation is getting fucked-up and people are becoming so ‘WAHALA-possessed’.

The people that pretend to have your back are mostly the same people that will betray your trust, talk trash about you and let total strangers in on your business.  If you think I am lying, just get into shit and go to them for suggestions, they’ll draw you into very outrageous acts of cheekiness, so that you’ll eventually get into deeper shits, and in the end, instead of helping you out, they’ll poke fun at you, laugh at the mess that they got you into, or even remind you of how you never thought your cosy situation will come to this, apparently happy that you no longer have what you used to have.

I am not trying to encourage pessimism here; I just don’t want you to get hurt when it is avertable. ‘OLOF NJIE NEH NJORT LU NYAW DINA FARAL DI WATTU BOROM’ – Meaning distrust, pessimism or taking into account the negative aspects of a situation can be helpful in rescuing one from unconstructive effects - Blessed!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

‘YAKARR’ (expectations)

Maybe to curb the ‘YAKARR’ (expectations) and the blame on blameless folks, some people should start holding placards bearing the slogan:


HOLY MOSES! I have fears that we may never cease to be disappointed, or will keep hating the wrong people for not coming up with the goods that we expect from them, if we cannot stop expecting them to have what we don’t have. Blaming people for all your dire needs and circumstances instead of taking responsibility is very unfair…. 

Someone has to say this!

Brag or No Brag?

Habitually, some of us will sit at our favourite hangouts, sneering at ladies that pass by, simply because we find them so hard to get. We judge them of being boastful or full of themselves (Muna Sobb, Hamunj Sen Bopa). Ha! If you ask me, I guess that’s plain lack of awareness.

After paying objective attention, I think I have come to the overstanding that those that we dub boastful are in fact only decorous, confident and self-assured. I believe the boastful ones, or braggers if you like, are the attention-seekers, those whose thoughts of being cool is so overfed that they brag about it until no one cares anymore.

Strangely, the ones we think are modest are for the most part just mediocre. Like ladies that you’ll compliment say: “your outfit is awesome” for instance, and instead of saying “I know, thank you!” in acknowledgement of what’s obvious, they’ll respond by saying “Haai! Lu Nyaaw Li” (Oh! this ugly thing), but do you think they’ll wear ugly or a bad taste if they had anything better? My dear, even if you’re as ugly as hell, the fact that you've something to flaunt, flaunt it…just don’t fake it.
Then again some will carry their circumstances with them everywhere, purposely downplaying their every exploit or success only for people to know. Possibly unintentionally, but mostly cunningly showing off about their awesomeness, about the things they own, have seen or done, but at the same time framing it in a self condemning or reproving manner. For fucks sake that’s humble bragging.

Like the other day, I saw this young lady that posted what apparently was her finest ‘selfie’ on Facebook, with an accompanying caption: “Ughrrr! My hair is so messed up! This Peruvian hair now resembles a common ‘Mèche Nina’” - my rude mind cannot but yowl: “HELLO! Can’t you just say you’re rockin’ an umpteen thousand Dalasi hair and just get outta my face!”

There is also this one that I call an ‘only recourse humility,’ it is when folks appear humble only when they’re destitute (Yarrou Ndik Yorrugne). Many of such people cannot see others doing better without trying to belittle their grace. Like the dude that I once told y’all about; the one that looked at this ‘Semester’ dude in his BMW X6; I could see desire all over his hungry face, but then he turned to me and said: “Huh! Some people can brag; boy if I don’t tell you I am a ‘Semester’ you wouldn’t know” – so apparently he’s also a ‘been-to’.

AND don’t ask me what category I fit in. I try not to hide my true personality from view, but my attempts are somewhat overtaken by the undeserved high opinion that folks have of me, and that sometimes makes me feel two-faced. Naturally, I'm a bubbly but unpredictable person and I love it.

Life is a dream

Before heading home, I went to collect something from the supermarket, and I saw this young lady coming out of an enormous car; a poor beggar and her two kids came up to her, apparently looking for what to take home. Keenly watching, I saw her drew five Dalasis from her wallet to give them.

Honourable thing she did, but me and my emotions; I was like: ‘Chei! Yallah Mor Barry Njoobot’ (God really has a differently proportioned family). It is Him that gives to who He pleases, changes seasons, disposes some to elevate others, and nobody’s might can cause Him to not doing what He wants to do, or the other way round.

In Spain they say “La vida es sueño,” derived from a dramatic piece, meaning ‘life is a dream’ and I believe; Just that different dreams for different people. Some take pleasure in their lucid dreams, some have great dreams, some cosmic dreams, some numinous dreams, whilst some are going through nightmares, others are daydreaming or having false awakenings, some are into progressive dreams and even mutual dreams.

But at the end of the day, “all men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince,” that’s Plato's claim, but the way I see things, I am not sure if humankind is not interfering with that declaration, or has not even destroyed that equality through egoism, classism, racism, nazism, elitism, supremacism, prejudice beliefs and divide among people - Rasta dubs it the “isms and schism”. I wonder!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

State of the Union Address

Each year, after Obama’s (my not so distant cousin) State of the Union address, I have this regular tradition of writing a short piece as tribute to him, and to put my irresistible sense of satisfaction about him into words...Here’s another:

Maybe he only changed the complexion and not necessarily the direction of the Whitehouse. Maybe he is not “Black Jesus”. Maybe he is only personable and not a true leader. Maybe what pathological challengers say about him and his policies are right, or maybe they’re just willfully ignorant. Maybe he is genuinely interested in world peace, or perhaps just war hungry. Maybe his support for education, the middle class, environment, health, women and veterans is all a political frontage, or maybe not.

Say what you will about him, that’s none of my business, but an undeniable fact about him that really matters to me is that to this point, he is the 'coolest' and the most elegant and eloquent President that America has ever had; and even if you believe his speeches are only perfectly scripted, be reminded that it takes finesse to act it the way he does it.

Now let me unpack the word ‘COOLEST’ to not only referring to his amazing intelligence and casual and humble conduct. I am talking about an incredible human being who’s willing to lose ground with very influential people in order to do what’s best for the best part of his people, one who’s all the time striving to bring hope to the hurting; a man who wants to see social equality, as in shared growth over the growth of only a select few.

You only need to be real and willing to think objectively to be in agreement that Barack Obama really rocks, and to overlook his flip ups, knowing that every human being will have his share of blunders. See how hard he is striving to bring more change even in his final two years in office. Now what can be more important than that unselfish stand? He is building a legacy that shall forever be remembered in the annals of history, and no matter what his detractors are doing to deny him that plus point.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Desmond Tutu said: “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land”

Perhaps, when the educationists also came, they had the textbooks and we had raw skills and competences that they were painfully desirous of. So instead of helping us to brush those competences, they said ‘Let us help you reform your livelihood.’ They placed their occupations on us, and set high-ceilinged minimum academic requirements for them.

It was part of a scheme to kill our creativity and to make us hate what we had, to cause us to step up the race for their high-priced institutions of higher education, creating too many paper holders competing for too few jobs. Jobs that should only require high school diplomas, but no, they’ll ask for degrees or even higher preferred qualifications, so the race and rat race continues.

Some folks will spend the largest part of their lives studying for qualifications that will only earn them salaries resembling an offering plate, far less than the cost of some of their college textbooks. They won’t tell me they did it for intellectual fulfilment and not necessarily for monetary gains, because I know, and I have seen them change jobs like musical chair contestants, apparently looking for better earnings.

These educationists told us “Education is the key to success in life”, but they never made it clear that education and success are not always indoctrinated through an education institution. They made us narrow education to classrooms and lecture halls, instead of being just the desire and passion for knowledge.

They created confusion between brilliance and academic success, and made our schooling in such a way that it became an obstruction to unfettered education. Ultimately, some of us get schooled to feel intellectually superior to everyone, pretending to be experts in everything, from topics relating to the beginning of the universe to untold accounts of what provoked Adam into eating that apple; and even topics that they've had no involvement or factual research on.

‘Wye Olof Njie Neh Kui Sangor Lamegne Bess Bo Nopay Rafleh.’

In fact did you see what they’re coming up with? ‘Competency-based hiring practices’ they call it, and since ‘competency’ was the key word that their failed experiment never taught us, we’ll graduate with our As, honours and PhDs but devoid of the capacity to create decent employment, instead we’ll become red carpet job seekers, or end up working for employers who either never went to college or dropped-out of college to take risks aimed at building their dreams.

See who’s on Christina Aguilera’s payroll for instance, you’ll be amazed, and she never went beyond high school to get educated in the art singing and songwriting. Richard Branson got educated the hard way. John Carmack who cofounded Id Softwar and Scott Carpenter the astronaut both didn’t go to any of Babylon’s fancy universities. Britain’s John Major and Winston Churchill didn’t go to any school for political scientists; and I am sure you’ll feel me if you Google the likes of Charles Dickens, George Eastman, R. Buckminster Fuller, Charles Lindbergh, Jack London, Karl Menninger the psychiatrist, and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to justify the shallow didactic achievement that I attained from the “University of Mbedokang” - If I can borrow that from ST Da Gambian Dream, and I am not saying education cannot play a role in changing human performance, or cannot transform empty minds to open minds, but limiting education to decades-long classroom engagements, reading textbooks authored by celebrated autodidacts, completing school assignments and collecting degrees is what cheeses me off.

If you ask me, let the dancer, the musician, the sportsman, the comedian, and the rest be educated in their various arts and in their own ways. You never know, some of these jobless lawyers, underprivileged professors, accountants who cannot balance books, auditors that cannot express an opinion, clumsy engineers etc, that the failed experiment is creating may end up struggling to be on their payrolls.

Phew! What a long post…My apologies!

Monday, 19 January 2015

You’re not a wheel puller...

Be it regular friendship, intimate relationship, partnership or whatever ‘ship’ you may call it, the bond should not be founded on emergencies only. You know, functional only when one party is in need of help or relief.

If the gains could gladly be shared, then it is only noble that the detriments be shared too. Anything short of that mutual dependence, even if the one being used is as willing as the finest ER attendant, the bond is bound to suffer from relational fatigue.

In other words, allowing a bond to treat you like a wheel puller is like consenting to being taken advantage of. A wheel puller is an automotive service tool that you pull out when you have a flat-tyre or puncture that you need to fix, and when everything’s copasetic, you just throw it back into the trunk and drive on.

You’re not a wheel puller, and even though they say each to his or her scenario, I believe you deserve affection. I believe if you’re going to take the rap or hurt for someone, it has to be for one that will equally find in you a quality or two worth putting up with - regardless

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Positive Vibration

“If you get down and you quarrel everyday - You're saying prayers to the devils... Why not help one another on the way? - Make it much easier, just a little bit easier - Say you just can't live that negative way - If you know what I mean – Make way for the positive day....” – Bob Marley

‪’‎Positive Vibration’ is one honourable reason why I cannot NOT like Rasta, and ‘Positive Vibration’ of course is a package of many desirable attributes; attributes that inspire positive, safe and blissful feelings, makes a people think positive, stay positive and spread positivity. Seen!

However, in a world where egos are streets ahead of characters, and where people hardly mind their businesses, keeping away from such pettiness may be easier said than done, but honourable are those who’re mindful and can exercise restraint by avoiding pointless confrontations - even if they’re right.

BUT it is not only Rasta that sets such petty conducts on fire, I did a lil research earlier and it led me to, where the Prophet (SAW) was reported to have said the following on the subject of quarrelsomeness:

(1)“The most hated person in the sight of Allah is the most quarrelsome person” – (2) “I guarantee a home in paradise for a person who gives up arguments and disputes even if he is on the truth. And I also guarantee a home in the middle of paradise for a person who gives up lying (false statements) even while joking. And I also guarantee a home in the highest part of paradise for a person who has a high standard of character”

AND while we're on the subject of ‘quarrelsomeness’, you know you’re quarrelsome if you’re ever ready to pick a fight even if a thing has no effect on you, or even when you’re told how beautiful or handsome you are tongue emoticon Take a moment and think about this.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Confidence and esteem...

“E’ko Fuwareyah Allah Leh Ka Wo Sabu, Bari Jutungnaya Efango Leh Ka Wo Si E’fangNa” – ST Da Gambian Dream (RESPECKO)….I AGREE!!!

I agree ST...I also believe that poverty could be a fated experience, but believing in the thought that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, or having a terrible sense of lowliness and lack of appeal is self imposed.

Confidence and esteem need to be felt within before respect could be afforded from outside. You got to take pride in your own worth to be able to defeat your insecurities. Sometimes those loud people that you overly admire may not be as comfortable as they portray; it is natural for people to want people to see them the way they want to be seen.

You cannot expect others to have a high opinion of you, if you keep comparing yourself to them or keep having the feeling that they have it better, and I have seen that happen all the time. I have even seen folks giving themselves titles like “Ndarreh” or “Badola”, bowing out of their privileges at social gatherings and still expect to be treated with respect.

Olof Njie Neh Ku Bindu Ni Tama, Nyu Tegala Ni Tama [that if you’re shaped like a talking drum, you’ll be beaten like a talking drum]

Appreciate that you are you and they are them, and if someone is seemingly richer, prettier or smarter than you, know that there is someone in there who is poorer, uglier and slower on the uptake than you. No one can have it all. I know these things because I am almost always on the street, and I know how great some of us are at faking it...’Amunj Tuss, Mununj Saarr, Wye Denj Mun Dekabi - Yalna Sutura Yaga’.

Personally, I will be dishonest if I tell you I am not tired of being poor, but that doesn't mean I should despair, because I know in this life, the Most High has created something for everyone. They say not all fingers are of the same length, but when they’re bent, they all stand equal. Meaning, life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to all situations

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Blood is thicker than water

LISTEN UP! Three things: family and that includes spousal bonds, belief and race/ethnicity, no matter the unpleasantness of one’s attachment to his, or in spite of one’s seemingly weakened state of allegiance to his; even if one is worked up about his or is at a complete movement away from his, overstand that any unpleasant incident that may occur between him and his, is but a mere season that will come and go.

Nonetheless, if you feel you have way too much time on your hands to interfere with, or stick your nose into matters that do not concern you, remember that relationships, ties and allegiances will ultimately remain the strongest and most important.

If unfortunately you’re the conscienceless type, stubbornly nosy and ever ready to inflict misery, you can go on, but bear in mind that karma is a bitch, and sooner or later you’ll get your big mouth punched for being intrusive, and you wouldn’t say I didn’t warn you.

If you ask me, stop being a pain and know when shit’s none of your damn business, or if in the event your opinion is solicited, just know what to say.

For the humble-braggers who cannot separate private from public life, or are perhaps so foolishly liberal that they can tell their story to random people, remember that people aren't often what they seem, and don't also forget that volunteering certain information about you or yours is like sharpening the knife for the bloody backstabber…Now take a moment and calmly think about that

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Leave Allah to use His own ways to protect His religion!

The way I see it, leave Allah to use His own ways to protect His religion, for in the end, He is the All-Powerful. If you ask me, I think Jihad has been distorted and twisted from ‘Fi Sabil Illah’ [in the path of God] to ‘Fi Sabil EGO’ [in the path of ego] and that sucks. The Islam I was acquainted with is such that even the behaviour of genuine practitioners should be able to impress and inspire others to learn more about Muslims.

Religion is a matter of conviction, and once one is convinced that his conviction is the most convincing conviction [who cares about verbosity], it will naturally take an entire process to get that person on the path that you believe is truer, and that process should certainly not be coercive, because terrorising others against their accepted judgment is not Islamic.

I am not a scholar and I am not pretending to be one, but as far as I overstand, Jihad is basically “striving in the way of God”, and primarily through personal spiritual efforts. Perhaps we can go physical against hard line enemies, but in defence that is, and when it is the only remaining option. Baseless terror campaign against innocent people or being obsessively in the hunt for enemies that do not exist is full-blown madness.

If you ask me, with the exception of those committed to sincere ‘da‘wah’, and are inviting people to the Islamic way of life, with wisdom and courteous sermons, the rest are a delusional bunch of self-serving criminals disguised as ‘mujahids’, using our respected faith to mislead and use certain fools as tools, and committing heinous crimes against humanity.

I find conspiratorial tendencies ridiculous, but I am going to make an exception today. Really, I strongly suspect that these ISIS, Boko Haram and the rest are on an aided mission to defame Islam. I believe they are criminals that have totally lost their grip on reality, and their random criminal activities against all races and religions are not in proportion to the general aim and purpose of Islam.

Someone said: “The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for” and I believe, because the devil may be disguised as one of your own.

I know decent civilisation has undergone too much grief, but with a bit of luck, I believe humanity can cut down the hatred, and bring back good relations, if only we are willing to work on our individual senses of right and wrong, and our spiritual outlook, do what we lawfully can and let Allah handle the rest.


"And by the mercy of Allah you dealt with them gently. If you were harsh and hard hearted, they would have fled from around you" (Quran 3:159). "So speak to him, both of you, mildly in order that he may reflect or fear God." (Quran 20:44). "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided [Quran 16:125]

Correspondingly, our beloved Nabi (saw) was reported to have said the following: “whenever gentleness is in a thing it beautifies it and whenever it is withdrawn from something it defaces” - “One deprived of gentleness is deprived of all good." – Now how can someone who lived such moral values be accused of violent purpose?

But then, even if common sense is in abundance, consciences are running low; and when there is a disproportion of the two in the psyche, is like having an electrical circuit in a device of lower resistance, whenever there is a contact of components, the outcome is a ruinous diversion of the current, and that’s what’s happening to humankind at the moment, our priorities are unfocused.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Let parents be better watchdogs

God knows I want the best for my neighbourhood, but sometimes I look around and I feel disheartened, not because of the sheer size of menial hustlers stocked in one community, but because of the endless behavioural problems being exhibited by some of these kids, and mostly resulting from overindulgence by their parents.

I see kids having everything their way, good, bad or ugly, as long as they can yell their spoiled heads off for it, it is tolerable. If out of concern you try to admonish them, their parents will go nuts, asking you let them be, because “they’re kids and will change someday”. I hope “someday” will not be too late. Bloody Hell! Even rich folks don’t tolerate that kind of elusive shit from their kids anymore.

Of course there are a few sharper knives in the drawer, cultured younger moms mainly. If you see their kids, you can spot the disparity in upbringing. I like it when they call me Uncle Mike/Omar, or when they say “thank you” whenever I get them goodies; they’re so courteous. I pray they don’t get decoyed into those folly infusing hobbies.

I believe their moms are willing to adjust; maybe they’re moved by our disfavoured circumstances and are doing all they can to help their kids rise above the mediocrity that surrounds them, and that’s so encouraging. It will take us far, if they too don’t get contaminated that is.

However, it appears that the best part is still dead to decent civilisation and that sucks. I see parents who are totally free from care, and unfortunately that carefree conduct is inadvertently creating nothing short of an impoverished successive generation, but they’re so clueless – [Wakh Na Bay Horh]

When things go bad, you’ll see them trekking from fortune-teller to spiritualist trying to find a way out, when the only way out is to start breaking off from cheering their kids into sheer foolishness. Some will point finger at the rottenness of rich kids, when theirs are even more terrible. Others will use their badly behaved kids to get to other people, not knowing that that will only afflict the kid’s development, leaving him/her ill prepared for real life challenges.

God forbid, but if some of these parents cannot handle the situations that their kids are in, and they grow up like that, so out of hand, delinquent, and unmannerly and without any decent schooling or skill, they may end up with the same basic shit that we want to break out of; you know, being servile to urban bigwigs. No jokes! Shit is no rocket science, it’s a circular process, and until we unanimously create a dive by being better watchdogs for these kids, not a bloodclaat thing will change.

WHEW! I am glad I got that out of my chest.

“these hoes ain't loyal”

About that “hoes ain't loyal” thingy, it is becoming too clichéd for my liking, and I think it is losing its essential spark, if it had any that is.

Don’t get this twisted, I love the piece of music; I have had it on replay many times, and I like the video clip too. All I wanted to say here is that you cannot expect a loyal girl when you’re not real. If you front like you're the coolest and most awesome dude that ever lived, when in actual fact you ain't shit, you should expect shit.

If your desire for approval tempts you into faking your story or shutting yourself away from your humble origin, you may be able to briefly lay claim to some impression or comfort that never happened, but trust me, shit will backfire and you’ll eventually get nothing shittier than a disloyal ho, and you can’t say the ho ain't loyal, ‘cause you weren't real.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

‘Ngor’ (integrity and nobility)

On one occasion, at our regular spot, this freeloader of a dude wanted a smoke from a mentally unstable guy who was also one of us. So he was like: “Boy Mai Ma Tuti Amphora”, the guy gave him some. “Mai Ma Rizla” the guy gave him two sheets, “Abalma Ligh...” and before he could say ‘lighter’, the unstable guy couldn’t help it anymore, he yelled: “HOHOOO! Boy Yowe Amulor Ben Ngor, Ma Mai La Amphora, Mai La Rizla, Abal La Lighter? You have to try my friend”

Reminiscing about old times and this came to mind, but on a serious note, where there is no ‘Ngor’ (integrity and nobility), charity, benevolence and selflessness will turn into weaknesses, as those at the receiving end will tend to make demands without end; you know, pleading without temperance and contentment.

For that reason, it becomes the giver’s burden to exercise prudence in the way (s)he gives, knowing that not everything being begged for is anchored in dire need. Weirdly, some folks can solicit assistance for very selfish desires, or to only take advantage of the giver's generosity; they’re never satisfied with their lot.

At the end of the day, whilst you’re benevolently there for them, they’re there for theirs, and they won’t cease if you cannot ‘Gantu’ (say no) like the unstable guy. Even if your very last is what you’re giving, they’ll still ask for more because in their minds, yours is probably inexhaustible, and they don’t care about the means to what you give them.

You have to be able to know when to unshackle yourself from being taken advantage of, know when selflessness requires a bit of selfishness, because when eventually your blood is sucked to the last drop, those same bloodsuckers that took part in making you anaemic will be the same ones poking fun at your resultant state of pallor and weariness.

Friday, 9 January 2015

A true gentleman and a true lady

“A true gentleman is one that apologises anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman's heart.” - The words of Shannon L. Alder

‎REMIX - A true lady is one that doesn’t take basic courtesy for weakness, or receive every form of gentleness with an attitude of belittling arrogance. A true lady shows gratitude in knowing that when a gentleman cares, he cares because he is caring, and not like he’s trying to go some length to gain attention - he can withdraw his token good manners if he has to, especially if the addressee is ugliness and pride embodied.

See, I used to have the impression that a good number of fine young ladies have a tendency to be high and mighty because they know they’re fine-looking, but I guess I was so wrong. Of late, I have observed that nearly all the stuck-up young ladies I met are as ugly as sin - inferiority complex perhaps

I have observed that nearly all the beautiful ones who should understandably be treated nicely because of their looks are found to be more amiable, humble, self-determined and intelligent... I don’t know, I could be wrong still, but this is an unbiased observation.

Ungrateful Spirit

“They never thank me for opening doors - But they ain't even thank Jesus when he died on the cross - because your spirit is ungrateful, bitches is so hateful.... Who I wanna work with? Nobody - 99% of them, is nobody” - Nicki Minaj

You see, when I say this lady is my favourite, folks think I have no taste, but I guess one has to defocus on her ass first, to be able to appreciate the significance of her lyrics. I swear down she’s talented!

AND she's right you know, some folks are only keen on you, or will pretend to be a helpmate only when you’re nothing, but that liking will start to fade the moment you're seen making steps forward, and they’ll try to undermine your newfound worth.

No amount of special treatment you offer such people will be appreciated, because their sense of gratitude is enslaved by their sense of self, so they cannot be thankful....If you ask me, you don’t need them to achieve your life’s purpose, they’re a hindrance.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


There was a time when I was a sneakerhead, so excited about every hyped up basketball shoe - Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Converse, AND 1, etc. I could wear sneakers for like six days out of seven and to every occasion. Now it is almost a month since I got this new Nike Hyperfuse from my boy that I can't seem to be able to wear yet.

I don't know, but giving it some thought, I guess that’s how you know growing up is creeping up. I am not saying being a sneakerhead is immaturity; I am only trying to illustrate how certain things in life are just but a phase, that at some point, certain one-time chapters of your lifestyle will need to be flipped in order break off from being kid at your prime of life. Being addicted to folly and completely empty of the guts to mature is unaffordable.

At some point in life, it should be about dream chasing, knowing better, character over sentiments, taking responsibility and showing an unprejudiced and selfless concern for the well-being of others around you. Be nice but not overly servile. Overstand the fact that not everything is as good or as bad as it seems. It’s about working on your self-belief but with humility, and about being a spark of inspiration to others, young ones particularly.

Now I can hear my spirit telling me, “Oh, boy! What do you know? You still have a lot to work on.” Ha! I guess I need to become more adult.

Saturday, 3 January 2015


I have learned that when it comes to picking a companion, offering or taking offer of a hand of friendship, that’s entirely my prerogative, but giving respect to someone who deserves my respect is only essential, and whether I like the person or not, once he or she is worthy of it, it is owed.

Unfortunately, or maybe I am old fashioned, but I believe respect is a virtue that is seriously missing nowadays. We all want to be at the receiving end, but only a few are willing to reciprocate...and of course respect will include consideration and its many synonyms.

You only get one life to live...

I’m sure some of you’ll remember my bashing of those kids who fervently trust that “you only live once” (YOLO), mostly to feed their desire ...