Wednesday, 11 April 2018


Taking irrelevant issues with their predecessors and Impugning the past for everything - what a good number of bosses in my part of the world are good at - bunch of narcissists, if you ask me.

That’s why most corporations ayard are at the mercy of Babylonian consultants or technical assistants, and why many, soon after that assistance, they relegate from bloom to gloom.

Whilst intelligent civilization is busy growing, they act as if they got no growing to make, because they’re perfect/complete {Insan-i Kamil) - they don’t admit to being wrong, always avoiding accountability, even if it means blaming innocent people, enraged when challenged, love instilling fear and doubt, and stonewalling questions because they make promises they can’t keep.

So classless; they’d smear, slander and vilify anyone and anything to dignify themselves. If you want their friendship, you must be slavish, because having a mind of your own intimidates them, and so they’d subject you to the silent treatment, or triangulate to communicate to you.

Say Nauzubillah from airs like that, because, you gotta give it to them - they’re so gifted in the art of scheming that they can bully you, or oppress you, and still make you look like the perpetrator of your own trial.

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