Saturday, 28 April 2018

Here's who Rohey Lowe is...

First, I'm not campaigning. I don't do that. I'm just a good listener, and listening to Rohey Lowe, here's what I believe: she isn't into your politics of anything goes. She loves her people so much; she just wants to educe ingenuity by inspiring self-reliance, just as she exemplifies.

You know, rather than one frequenting the Quadrangle or BCC to 'tess tess' (scrounge off), like old times, and risk losing one's dignity, she believes that one can thrive for personal success by taking on or starting one's own venture, no matter the size of the startup.

But as inspiring and as evincive of leadership as she was, some of us choose not to take anything out of her wisdom but to ridicule her examples with sarcastic remarks. I just can't get that. I mean, our level of solidarity in stagnation is so scary - too scary and inconducive to progress.

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You only get one life to live...

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