the time of doing this piece and by my timer, it was 0 days, 8 hours, 59
minutes, 20 seconds until Friday, 1 January 2016, so it is a New Year already.
Let the goal be to work on our ways by investing more of our time and energy in
ourselves, our own businesses and in our own happiness. But that‘s not my New
Year’s Resolution; mine as usual is not to be bothered by resolutions that are
going to be abandoned by the 3rd of January or latest 14th of February, knowing
that some of us will set very reachable goals but won’t bother to accomplish
them, because we are too faithful to know that "man proposes, God
ours is to make plans and resolutions, and God’s is to ultimately decide
success or failure. However, let us bear in mind that God’s decisions are
mostly permissive. Meaning, He grants us right to achieve our goals based on our
will and determined attempts. So in my seemingly irreligious opinion, no amount
of success-engendering prayer you do or seek from alleged holy people in this
world will matter if you’re not willing to go the extra mile. And about “extra
mile,” Jeff Dixon said: “there is never a traffic jam created from people going
the extra mile.”
the only achievable thing that doesn’t require extra mile or struggle is love.
So if that thing you have and call it love starts to feel painful and
upsetting, or is gradually becoming devoid of consideration, loyalty and a
sincere concern for you, be it resolved that what you have is but an
unreasonable attraction that will have absolutely no lasting benefit. - I wish
y’all a wonderful 2016!