Monday, 31 August 2015

Crazy fate!

Before our evolution to this highly advanced race of humans, man owned his own ideas. He created and kept to his own rules, had his own expectations and morals. But in his attempt to make life easier, he created machines to give support to his work. Now he claims he cannot survive a day without these tools that he created - how freaking awesome!

He’s become a mechanical/technological slave. Everything he does or believes in, including physiological processes develop from electronic devices. He believes so much in machines that he uses polygraphs to detect his own level of sincerity. He can't even spell: “d.e.f.i.n.i.t.e.l.y” without the aid of a gadget. But what makes it ironic or perhaps hilarious is that he pays through his nose to own gadgets that will eventually own him.

Today, your visa applications, job interviews, cross-examinations, etc. could all go bad not because you’re found really wanting, but because you probably didn’t measure up to what their machines and bizarre benchmarks say; perhaps you avoided eye contact, or maybe there’s something about your body language that the benchmark sees unfit, as if everyone must be identical in their use of body language? Crazy fate!

When the "Gorr" (noble) is not so 'Gorreh'...

Anyone who gladly gives his ears, shoulders, time or money without putting a price to it is a genuinely kind and caring person, and not giving him the gratitude he deserves is an ungrateful thing to do. But will you still call him "nit ku bakh" (a generous person) if he makes it feel like you owe him? Is it truly beneficence, or is he just soaking you with kindness so he can wring everything out tomorrow?

Why not think before you start filling yourself with delight. Maybe your newfound "Geur", "Garmi" or "Gorr" (noble) is not so 'Gorreh' after all. Maybe he's cultivating for a good 'garr' (harvest). But then no matter the volume of empirical evidence or references you present before some of us, we will never learn. Is like we learn best by being victims of our own foolish decisions and that's so, so sad.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Say: “You know what, 'nmbang wulenkay!"

Complaining is not all that bad. It is a way of expressing your feelings. Sometimes it is therapeutic to make an objection, and to condemn the things you consider wrong or inappropriate. In Zimbabwe they say: "a weaning baby that does not cry aloud will die on its mother’s back.” So sometimes you must demand to be heard.

You don’t have to bottle up your emotions to please anyone. Sometimes to burst through this cutthroat world, you need to be a little selfish. Say: “You know what, 'nmbang wulenkay!" I am also human, and I got needs and preferences to care for." Don't allow anyone to use you - and that's a note to myself. 

Let them talk...

Listen, as long as you're on the road to success, people will talk, fact as well as fiction, but mostly based on unfounded opinions. They'll blow horns for no good reason, because that's all they got; loud horns.

If you ask me, don't allow that noise to cloud your focus. In fact let me ask you; under normal circumstances, do you think a normal driver will horn at a car that he is ahead of? Certainly no! 

Well, except if he decides to select the reverse gear and is about to go backwards, and that's just for the sake of argument, because going back is not a progressive move; it's regressive.

Gibson is right!

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson

I agree that sometimes you're not the problem. The problem is with those lying, selfish, abusive, poisonous, unappreciative, manipulative, success-hating, sadness-inducing, maliciously-grudging idiots and naysayers that you naively let into your life. 

Ouch! I know that's harsh, and I don't even know if your circle has such, but it's worth a check. Most 21st century bonds aren't so bond-worthy. But that's probably why the pronunciation is not unlike 'the twenty fuss century'. 

It is not who you are.

An uncaring attitude is nobody's monopoly; it only takes a bit of effort. However, I strongly believe that from once you're a person of reason, a person with a bleeding heart and a consciously thoughtful spirit, you cannot be emotionally hardened; at least not for long.

You may get excessively emotional and distrustful sometimes and that’s natural. It is mostly because of a certain disappointment, for caring too much, or for sacrificing a lot and getting nothing in return, but that's just a provoked state, it is not who you are.

You may feel the need to turn the tables by becoming cold and pitiless, but trust me, your conscience will eventually counteract, and you're going to be sorry for trying to be what you are not built for.

If you ask me, it is best to remain in the cool, spare yourself the nail biting frenzy and take comfort in knowing that God that is exclusive to none has your back.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Change is the primary cause of growth...

Back in high school, I knew someone who couldn’t spell “chalk”. Today, he spells “Czechoslovakia" with more ease than an average Czech. Today his intelligence is wowing, especially to those of us who cannot appreciate the fact that some people are bound to make progress at a later age than other people.

Harold Wilson said: “He who rejects change is the architect of decay.” He said: “...the only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery” and I agree.

This is why I hate to pass judgement on people based on their past, knowing the tragedy I would’ve been in, if I had not died to my old ways. You may not notice because you only see the Omar I want you to see, but I know I have changed a great deal and I will be more than glad to change progressively more.

Levelheaded people are aware of the fact that change is the primary cause of growth. As a result, they find it silly when people pass judgement simply because some suspected bad person is seen doing a good thing, or someone is now protecting an interest that he once attacked or the other way round, as if it is a crime to become a better version of oneself.

Me, if a hooker decides to change, I will delete the memories I have of her past and be nice to her. If a destitute becomes well off, I will be happy for him. If a violent thief takes to a life of piousness, I will say ‘Alhamdulillah’ (Praise be to Allah). If a girl of good upbringing develops into a ‘Ranchang’ (lustful), I will pray so that Allah will give her the light of ‘Hidayah’ (guidance) and purify her soul, for none is faultless.

I guess this is the reason why I maintain friendship with even those ladies I have prefixed an ‘EX’ to. LOL

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Don't be an emotional vampire.

Someone said: "Never trust someone who lies to you. Never lie to someone who trusts you" - and I'll use the same code for love too. Anything contrary could only possibly result in unwillingness, unpreparedness, or inability to believe. Always remember that recovering possession of a trust that once was will not be as easy as it was gaining it.

It is better to be everything someone thought you never were, and in a good way. Than claiming standards, qualities, virtues, or motivations that you do not actually have. Don't be an emotional vampire.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Be a builder...

Sometimes people and circumstances can make you so, so angry, and the only thing that comes to your mind is to render everything into crumbs, including that which you toiled to build. I used to be a lot like that.

I remember getting really worked up at a ball game, so I drove all the way to the hoop and deliberately had my dunk rejected by the rim. All I wanted was to get at this dude who has this loud tendency of making a scapegoat of everyone but himself, and for everything including his own screw ups.

But trust me, it's an even more fulfilling and perhaps rewarding thing to build things up, even if you think your efforts are not being appreciated. It will take everyone far and that’s all what matters.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Forest to palace can lead to madness...

Coming from the shrine, the emperor chanced upon this 'I-have-nowhere-to-stay' stranger. Out of sympathy, he took her home. She was very obedient at first, but soon as she became used to the luxury, she went bonkers. She became so quarrelsome and hypercritical about everything including the empress’ modest set of choices.

One day the emperor got really mad and told the head of his royal council that he’s going to banish his guest. The man in reply said: “Your Majesty, I am sorry but you know I told you. You cannot get someone from the forest, bring her to the palace and don’t expect her to be the maddest.”

You hear that? There are some people who cannot get to sensible grips with unforeseen progress. Just a minute rise from gloom to bloom, or from rags to riches can make them become so difficult to deal with.

Some will become affectedly grand and arrogant. They’ll be inclined to disregard every thought of what they were before becoming what they’ve become, or what will become of them if they cease to be what they think they have become.

Others will become overly ungenerous and greedy, thinking that their newfound glory will come to an end if they let anyone in on it. No one can count on such people for anything, even if it is going to cost them nothing.

And I thought the success of a onetime destitute should create nobler virtues?

It's only a job...

Whatever activity, be it a service, trade, or craft that you do for a living is honourable, especially when you're doing it to support family and humanity. Muslims believe it is one of the best forms of 'Jihad' (spiritual struggle).

In spite of this importance, do not sacrifice everything for it, because at the end of the day, it is only a job. So be firm in your allegiance to your employer, but not without question or consideration.

And consider this opinion unworthy to be followed if you think you're all right with blind loyalty, or perhaps slavish devotion is the term.

Instincts sometimes fail...

Sometimes there’s nothing in your way, just you and your hallucinations. So it is you that need to get out of the habit of being in your own way. If you ask me, it is not physical, as in you as a person standing in your own range of vision; it is emotional.

Granted, you may say your instincts don't lie, I say that all the time, but always remember that whatever feeling or reaction it tells you to do is usually going to be without much logical rationale.

I'm not saying do not listen to yourself, or do not go with your gut feelings, but always ask yourself: "what if this is not as good as it is sounding to me right now?" Take heed, it might come in handy one day.

Step out of that tiny comfort zone...

Mao Zedong, commonly referred to as Chairman Mao, was born a peasant, but became one of the most powerful men in the world, and do you know why; because he refused to be satisfied with mediocrity.

He said: "we think too small. Like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view."

I don't know if I like this man, and I wish I don't, but I like this quote. You see, when I was young and before I travelled, all what I thought was best for me was to go abroad, sell weed, come back ayard and keep up with the Joneses, or the "Semesters" in our case.

Today I think I have seen a whole new ball game, and that's what's up. Sometimes you gotta step out of your tiny comfort zone, surface and see an entirely different view of this amazing world. "U na'mean"

Do not slander

Decent people don't make a name for themselves by smearing the names of others. They're wise enough to know that it is very possible to have as many names as needed, and that wouldn't make any one name less sweet or dearer than the other.

Seeking to damage someone else's reputation by slandering, or otherwise making false accusations about that person will always create a recoil, and the amount of harm transmitted back to the perpetrator is usually greater. As the slanderer, you're eventually not only going to lose what you seek to attain, but also the little trust that was attached to your little name.

Any malicious enjoyment you may derive through slander and from observing someone else's misfortune is going to be as fleeting as a honeymoon. Ask any truthful slanderer if you think I'm lying

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Ideal and unideal social settings...

Blessed is any social or whatever setting that is marked by refinement in not only conduct or manners, but also in taste and intellect, for it is natural that limits, tact and recognition of rights and privileges will be afforded the greatest possible respect.

Pathetic is that setting where anyone who's made to feel he's someone thinks he knows everything, and can borrow the effrontery to wield or compel obedience to what he thinks he knows, with callous disregard for what others think; where each folk has his own little delusional fantasy of being the best thing since the man mentioned in the 47th surah (chapter) of the Quran.

Personally, none of these two "settings" is my business, but I'm sure for those who have a thing for social acceptance, the former will be easier to relate with.

Unmasculine boys and masculine girls...

About the girls shinning brighter than the boys in this year's "Grade 9 Exams", I'm not surprised, but that's because it is not an unexpected event. How you make your bed is how you'll have to lie in it. What else do we expect, if when the girls were putting their nose to the grindstone, the boys were keenly following the latest trends, thinking it's cool to play fool?

I swear down if you think this generation's girls are as materialistic as we used to say they’re, kindly do a CT scan of an average boy's thought process. I bet you'll find nothing but an unappeasable longing for the latest smartphone, latest Vans, Converse, or Nike shoes with matching cross-coloured T-shirts, plus skinny, slim-fit or straight-leg jeans, and perhaps a structured schedule of all the parties going down from now till December.

And sadly, this unmasculine tendency is not common to boys alone, some grown men have joined in, and they wonder why women are today doing so well in corporate circles, why they're no longer bent to none but their own will, or why they're no longer affected by men. Don't tell me that grudging crap that: "they use what they have to get what they want", except if by "what they have", you're talking about competence. Some things cannot be given my friend; they gotta be earned. 

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Sometimes hating is not what it is....

A hater, isn't that what you're called when their favourite celebrities do things that are unsuitable to needs and circumstances and you express disappointment? Interesting fans, aren't they?

Now whether you're actually hating or just being objective is what I doubt, but I pretty well believe the later is what it is, and I believe objectivity is a good thing.

I believe hating comes to being when you try to use that onetime blunder to reduce that celebrity's worth and the value of every good thing he or she's ever done to zero, failing to remember that the celebrity despite being a subject of public interest is also human.

Being able to say "no" is a life skill....

Iyanla Vanzant said: "you have the right to say no". Most of us have very weak an flaccid "no" muscles. We feel guilty saying no." Your muscle has to be built up. The more you say no, the more it comes naturally."

I agree 100%. It took me donkey's years to figure this out; to stop feeling bounded by needless obligations, and be able to say "no" where the answer is a "nell no".

I believe it's a life skill; one that reduces the complexity of having to look for ways to alleviate guilt and judgements resulting from saying a "yes" that you cannot meet. I find it so relieving.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Rashness begets nothing but regrets...

Listen, if you're going to hate back, or sever bond or relationship with someone you once called a friend, for whatever is being said about that person, or for what they say he or she did behind your back, wait until you exhaust all avenues of finding the facts.

It's a cunning world my friend; people can make you hate your true friends, those whose company they know you enjoy, and those whom you feel affection for, simply because they know they cannot get to you without these people intervening. It happens all the time in the hood and I see it with my own eyes.

If you ask me, make sure you proceed with caution and thought, and avoid looking back at your misguided actions or your supposed counteractions with dissatisfaction, or even beating yourself up over the things you shouldn't have allowed yourself to do. Rashness begets nothing but regrets, and I hope we're listening.


Maybe if we're a little more considerate in the way we deal with each other; maybe if we learn to accept the humanness of our sometimes foolish and embarrassing mistakes, rather than making every mistake but ours a target of judgement and outrage, maybe God will accept that seemingly insincere "yalna sutura yaaga" cliché.

If you ask me, it doesn't make any sense praying for "sutura bu yaaga" when we do not intend to keep other people's secrets a secret; when in fact other people's uncovered secrets afford us pleasure or become sources of diversion and amusement. I think what we should be praying for is freedom from hypocrisy, camouflage and false pretense. Me, I'll rather not say "Yalna" or "Amen" than fake it.

That said, 'yalna sutura yaaga' and I said that with a genuine emotion and feeling. And for the benefit of my non Wolof speaking friends, "yalna sutura yaaga" means: may our deeds that we intend to keep hidden continue to be kept hidden.


See, the connection between intelligence, listening/reading ability, and the ability to grasp, comprehend or infer objects, intentions and concepts is so tight that if you lack one, the odds of you lacking the rest is 99.985%.

Praise your Lord if you're blessed with these uncommon gifts. Rejoice that you wouldn't have to beat your brains out about absolutely nothing, neither will you perceive things nor draw conclusions that are of no practical relevance to what is being said or written.

For the rest of us, may the good Lord grant us the gift of overstanding; may He burn all restricted thoughts and rigid views in His Mighty name!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Here's what it takes to be a man...

Auntie Maya Angelou​ of blessed memory said: “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Someone said she was hinting at intelligence, but I believe she was referring to growth; or maybe growth goes in conjunction with intelligence.

One day, every boy will become an adult, that’s a fact, but no adult will become a man unless he’s willing to move away from his ex-phase; unless he realises that he doesn’t have to stick to every notion or institution that was shoved down his throat; unless he mans up to tell the world:

”look world, I don’t want to be a replica of Professor X or a representation of Don Y. I want to look at myself in the mirror someday and say “YES! I did it my way”, so you better get used to my ways”, and it’s not insane or something, the world listens to those who dare.  

But if we are going to wait for a formal day to be adopted by the United Nations (UN) for this purpose, then forget it. That body has bitten more than it can chew. Let us resolve to set our own day and I’ll suggest we call it the ‘International Day of Page Turning’; to put troubles of our former ways to rest and turn the page to new ways and Ideas, and to more contented chapters of our lives. “U nah mean?” LOL

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Better if you can connect to what you impart...

If folks like Papa Yusupha, M Jah, Edi Jobe, Saul Frazer, Hatib or the Dambell guy that owns DBC want to show me the secrets to entrepreneurial success, I will certainly listen because I believe they connect to what they impart. But I am not going to waste my time listening to some tinkerer mistaken for a thinker, who is only just managing a salary that resembles an offering plate, and maybe irregular transport refunds from workshops and seminars.

In Luke 6:39, it is said that he said, and I assume “he” refers to Jesus: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?” - You see, you don’t expect me to trust someone who is not sure of his own ideas, because the person would’ve done as he puts it to me. Don’t tell me success is not all about the money you make, that line is so tired now. In fact someone rightly said that “when somebody says it's not about the money, it's about the money.”

They say “be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt” and that’s the caution I am trying to employ. I trust the one boasting while coming from the soccer game and with the trophy in his hands, than the one boasting on his way to the match. And I certainly don’t expect a good luck charm from someone who’s never been lucky.

Don’t get me wrong; we as a people can animate or cause one another to take action towards success. One does not have to be successful to do that. I do that all the time, but mostly by drawing inspiration from folks who were able to make new identities for themselves.

Unfortunately, some of these 'ganaw-marche' tailored suit wearing people tend to get deluded to act as if they're already representatives of what they're talking about or are complete in all acquirements, and simply because they have a JOB; someone calls it: "Just Over Broke"

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

When the "Sickest" wants the "Realest" ...

I’m not going to mince words or try to play ‘Mr. Virtuous’ on here; having a gorgeous set of eyes, full lips, mama or even surgeon-given round behind, super tiny waist, fairly thick hips and a complementing flat tummy like you designed yourself is heart-stirring, and that’s not just a 'yes', it’s a 'hell yes'. However, these things are only skin deep and I’ll explain:

What I mean is, flaunting these desirable properties may attract a congregation of admirers, no jokes about that, but using them to the exclusion of everything else won't keep a serious man; or at least not for long. If you ask me, a little more character and a sufficient use of that soft nervous tissue contained in your skull may come in handy, and if I’m lying to you, may thunder fire this keyboard I’m using.

In the same way, being the flyest nigga, dopest thug, baddest dude, wickedest shotta, illest gansta, tightest dawg or any other adjective ending in "est" may attract a lot of swag hungry chicks and sidechicks, or get you to eat that cutest piece of pie of your drools…Oops! I'm sorry, I mean dreams. But on a serious note, excessive vanity has no balls to keep a real woman. You're going to need a lot more than being the sickest to get yourself the realest; be at least legit.

Folks still do not realise that like butter, these illusions will melt as soon as things get really scorching and that sucks. But this is why they keep changing horses in midstream, because they’re always late to distinguish the boys from the men and the girls from the ladies, and also late to learn to conform to standards of good spousal conduct.

Monday, 10 August 2015


Some folks say they cannot overstand why some people have an aversion to popularity; like why do they find it hard to make friends? How can they go out to have fun alone and still be happy? Why would they want to be left the hell alone? So they label them “freaks” and “loners” or even “psychos,” instead of sensible people who do not need other people’s approval of their lifestyle.

The interesting thing is, I have also had the privilege of meeting some “loners” especially here on the internet, and I must admit that I respect every moment with them. Apparently, they too are concerned; they say they cannot overstand why some seemingly inviting and friendly people are fixed on making everyone's business a national anthem but theirs.

And if you ask me, I think the “loners” have a point, because I can't get it either.  Some of these outgoing folks will ask and ask until they ask how much money you make per month, or when was the last time you lay or got laid. Like, who the hell needs who the hell to tell who whose lead to follow?  And the sad thing is, not even a 1000 “none ya damn business” can make them change; they’re so invulnerable to disgrace.

That's how it trickles...

A wealthy class that exploits the wealthless class to support a powerful class can always count on the support of that powerful class, but that is before the mutually given favours are kicked into the long grass as usual.

In the same way, members of a supposed lower class who betray or screw their class to be accepted into a supposed middle or high class may seemingly belong, but only of a second, average or a no-class of that class. It is, was and has always been a fortunate thing that I am 'class-less", but I'm not saying I'm classless, if you know what I mean.

Enemies could be real as well as invented...

Achieving fame, fortune, or respect will naturally create enemies; real devils for that matter. But you got to pay attention too, because the ego can also get people deluded and make them create enemies that do not exist.

If you ask me, don't worry yourself about enemies that are as a consequence of the good things that are happening in your life, because success has her own back.

But if you know you have no noticeable effect, and you still form that weird mental image of having enemies, then be worried because it is more than likely that you're your own enemy.

The sooner you rise up against your delusions the better. But first you got to be willing to wise up...Wow, I like that rhyme; wise up to rise up

When lying becomes a social skill...

And because we are naturally attracted to anything that can induce fun and laughter, lying and clowning for attention have become social skills.

I'm not complaining; I think it's a good thing. Uptightness is becoming too widespread an affliction for my liking and it's about damn time we loosen up and neutralise this mutable phenomenon.

Y'all better have your helmets handy because me, I'm gonna have to start honing my lying skills. It may sound ridiculous but just watch me

Be different; dare!

But how do you think you can put it beyond question or expect progress when you're doing what everyone was doing since 19 o'long; when you find deviation from norm equal in seriousness to blasphemy?

How can you make your own discoveries when seeking after untried things is not unlike a taboo, and when you don't want to make mistakes for fear of being shamed and judged by pseudo-perfect closed minds?

How can you be different when you regard everything including attitude-induced difficulties, stupidity or outright cruelty as fated circumstances to be endured rather than tackled?

How can you not be satisfied with mediocrity if you keep acting as if God created you to be ordinary, if you fear shooting for the stars simply because people who cannot shoot anything but their mouths are going to talk; eh?

Every legitimate hustle counts...

Making or finding this artificial creation called money can be as daunting as America's almost-desperate hunt to catch Bin Laden. But, well, at least they found him, after more than ten years that is.

I don't know if finding him was a good thing and I am not implying that, but they did; that's because they neither gave up nor lacked in any detail and that's the point I'm trying to make here.

Have a blessed week ahead and remember, every legitimate hustle counts, so step it up. There is this Wolof saying that progress comes when you least expect it. (Avancement deh bayteh).

Friday, 7 August 2015


Okay, as far as we know, you’re what every school leaver once was; hopelessly jobless, but you set up a charity to provide practical assistance to jobless folks like you, and even reaped voluntary contributions for this cause? Genius move; really!!!

But then you're now complaining about how not so remunerative or lucrative this purposeful endeavour is for you; ha? Ain't that 'nahateh?' Where's the purity of this charity, because it SO needs clarity. To me it sounds like some profit-driven conspiracy. I cannot see the sympathy behind it. I think your goal is in need of sanctity.

As a matter of fact, yours is one that everyone would be better off if there was less of, because a charity whose supposed benefactor is in fact the ultimate beneficiary is no charity at all, and that’s an observable fact! By the way, "nahateh" is a Wolof word for deception.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Maybe - who knows...?

Pope Francis said money and power are false idols which often take the place of God. This is precisely what the Dajjal (the false messiah or Antichrist) will seek to be - a god to those who'll discount their God.

Today, the US Dollar tops all other currencies as the most-used currency in the world. The Dollar bill has a pyramid with an eye on top. Some say it’s a “Masonic symbol”, others say it’s “the eye of providence,” but then weren’t we told that Dajjal is one-eyed and will bring with him what will resemble Hell and Paradise?

Hold on! Can money not afford both bliss and misery? See, maybe the notion that money or the Dollar is Dajjal may not be too implausible after all. But then I was told Dajjal is going to be a being like humans.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

When morals are lost…

The word "ungrateful" as an adjective and without additional interpretation refers to that employer of that honourable employee who served so well, but retired broke because of his integrity.

But aren't we a people who call such workers “aimless"? Like some of us called that employee that found and returned his boss' lost Euros. Can you imagine; you're called "aimless" for refusing to make the most of a dishonest opportunity?

So is like anything, and I mean just anything you can do these days to create your own "good luck" is equivalent in honour to heroism.

You only get one life to live...

I’m sure some of you’ll remember my bashing of those kids who fervently trust that “you only live once” (YOLO), mostly to feed their desire ...