Friday, 3 March 2017

Political promises...

If your approval of a political figure is for some reward therein, bear in mind that behind many a discontentment is a very fat expectation. Deny this all you want, but the truth is, being a commoner behind many a career politician is not unlike push-starting a manual vehicle with battery or starter issues.

You (the common man) may be promised the world and beyond, but trust me, it’s only for your physical force. As soon as the car is pushed until it gains sufficient slant in the road, the clutch popped and the ride ignited, what you’ll usually get is the exhaust smoke and a thank you signal perhaps, or D50 (Kuru Songho or Njegi Guru) if you’re lucky.

Even if you think such a political ride shouldn’t give lift to those clean cut, shaven face, well dressed, clean breath, we do not smoke typa folks, because they were only looking on whilst you were pushing, it’s a hopeless case; they’ll attempt a hijack and they’re mostly successful at it.

You’ll get all grumpy, calling them names like sycophants and opportunists, but will they take notice of your fury is what I doubt. In fact, they’ll propose a change of ride, one befitting the public figure, and before you know it, a luxury SUV is acquired, and your force may not be needed again until the next election. If you ask me, be like powdery cement that one can wet and mix but only once, after that it's stiff. 

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