Sunday, 19 March 2017

Gambia, the politricks...

From when I started paying attention to politics, and whenever logic debunks the guise of complete political neutrality, either due to that seemingly radical image thereto, or lest they be thought to be motivated by loyalty to tribe or a similar group, most young folks will openly identify themselves with, or claim as if adherents of the intellectual and socialist ideals of the PDOIS party.

"Boy, mahn 'doi' laye saanil" - that's the usual pre-election claim. But do all these young folks back up their claims with action, and I mean do they really vote for the party is what I doubt. Sometimes I wish our polling booths had CCTVs, but we can always refer to results from the polls, and to safely say that most is just a facade, insincere and misleading. If you ask me, it's politics for God's sake; ain't no reasonable person's gonna judge you for putting your money where your mouth is.

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