Saturday, 17 September 2016

Boss or Bossy?

When someone undergoes an undesirable event, such as a demotion, or is stripped of authority, and those with whom he works celebrate; you and I will be like: what the hell; this guy's a hard worker?

Fair concern, because that's as far as we were made to see, but was his for the benefit of those close to him is for the colleagues and associates to answer. Usually, their reaction is not necessarily what he was able to accomplish, but his callous disregard for their feelings while at it.

So, if you're named boss because you're the person in charge, or you're just someone entrusted with the task of overseeing the work of a person or group of people, read and learn: it's to your favour to understand that there's a thin line between being result oriented and being overbearing, and to understand that no matter the pretext of trueness around you, nobody likes someone whose interest is totally void of the feelings around him.

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