You know, like nations and states, people also have their tiers of
economic growth and progress. There are ‘DEVELOPED’ people, ‘DEVELOPING’
people, ‘UNDERDEVELOPED’ people; and there are folks who’re either
You know you’re a developed
when your conditions are very convenient, like having ample financial and
material security; when all your investments yield fat returns; when you start
speaking with your fingers and folks start bowing down to your grace; when your
flatterers multiply and even your boring jokes get laughed at
You’re developing when your
social and economic standing is just so-so; you know, slowly but surely; you’re
not very well heeled but you have a guaranteed income, good enough to afford your
necessities and even some basic luxuries; but that is if you really save for it
You’re underdeveloped if
you’re part of the humble crew; sometimes you get employed for a wage that
resembles an 'offering plate', especially in monotonous manual jobs or awkward
industrial works. Sometimes when folks are delighted that it is a public
holiday, you’re in distress because your wages are on a daily basis; but you
got to do what the system sets out for you, you have no choice!
Now if you have all those good-looking dreams and ideas for material
comfort, but you choose slowness or you habitually and usually intentionally
keep on postponing and delaying your attempts to bring your dreams to fruition,
then my friend you’re refusing to
Lastly, undevelopable is when
in the face of everyone’s attempt to make you do well, you prefer to be
obsessed with things of no value; you’re always careless with possessions,
wastefully spending on things and parties that are to no purpose, until your
helpers end up fatigued, because you've become too uneconomical to help.
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