Sunday, 24 August 2014

Careless world!

So Israel's military operation/genocide is turning ‪Gaza into a cemetery, and Hamas is using that upsetting scale of action to give good reason for whatever agenda they have; meanwhile, it is the innocent who are being wiped out, and all what the UN can do is to lie to reporters or come on TV and condemn yet another attack that is no less than a disaster, and that’s it.

BUT hasn’t that been the history of this warlike world? Arrogant groups of idiots who’re given brains by mistake waging conflict over nonsense, and at the end of the day, it is the innocent who suffer. Some of us who do not know ‘book’ will use the occasion to have a new pastime, to come to discussion groups and determine who’s right or who’s left; and we end up taking sides, either with the faction spewing blanket hatred or the one that has become an advocate for spiritual meanness; IT’S ALL NONSENSE!

Me, I thank God that nobody blackmails my belief; and just as I hate sweeping statements regarding Muslims being terrorists, I equally find it silly when some of us stereotype people of other faiths. Just as I’ll always stress that the actions of Al-Qaeda, Boko-Haram or a few other terrorist groups shouldn’t be taken as a general representation of Islam, I’ll by the same token not accept people judging every Jew by the actions of ‪‎Netenyahu and his ‪government.

I may not know much about the olden times of ‪#‎Palestine or how the Jews came to the land of ‪#‎Israel and I don’t think it matters; all I know is that intelligent civilisation is sick and tired of the baseless propaganda from both ends. The false piety and half truths being coined as legitimate history are apparently not ending in anything healthy; just new threats to tolerance and peaceful co-existence.

If you ask me, I’ll say stop the Bloodclaat misinformation and let’s get to business; let’s unite forces to give voice to the oppressed people of Gaza; Muslims, Christians, Jews, Rastafarians and even Atheists, it doesn’t matter…It doesn’t matter if Baha'i, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism is what you put into practice, because the way I see this conflict, it is only because of ‪‎Hamas that Netenyahu and his government are trying to get rid of a part of humanity, and so it is crime against the whole of ‪#‎humanity.

You may call me an apostate or even a hypocrite, I don’t care; the truth remains the truth. The God that created us from male and female said He made us peoples and tribes so that we may know one another. He said indeed the most noble of us in His sight is the one who is deeply conscious of Him, for indeed, He is ON TOP OF THINGS. Except if there is another ‘clique’ of humans who’re more knower and wiser than God?

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