Monday, 30 December 2013


If you just can't afford top quality things right now, ‘Ya Xam’ designer clothes, smartphone’s or fashionable gadgets, don’t DESPAIR, and don’t HATE by calling the one buying them 'wasteful'; be thankful for your R50; your ROLEX and GUCCI duplicates; overstand that your current state is not a guaranteed permanence

When someone can afford it and buys 2, 3 or 4 of an analogous accessory (Dallar, Belta, Nyarrah, Handbags, etc.), not just for them to gather dust in their house, but to interchange them or to fulfill the total look of any outfit they dress in; do not say it is a waste of money or ask what they need all that for.

We have a big weakness for that; it is either “Li Yeup Purr Yow Kenna?” or “Ma Jeul Sa Bu Marget Bi?”... as if it is a taboo to own more than one.

LISTEN! when it comes to necessities, one can never have too many, especially shoes and handbags; ask the ladies

When someone buys something new, just recognise the value, compliment and move on. Do not keep account of how much it costs in order to censure what the person could have done with the good deal of cash (s)he expended.

Isn’t it his or her money that paid for it; his or her desire and acquisition; and wouldn’t you have been up there if you were that much financially prudent?…and finally, family is a unit; so get your mouth out of other people’s family matters.

Before you tag someone’s family as being wicked to someone, be sure that the one you’re advocating help for really wants help. Some families have this strategy of allowing each one to uncover and pursue the best way to help self, for you can only help better the person who has figured out his plight and genuinely wants help.

Condescension is a Fatal Disease

Look, even if you’re passionately right about something, your volume, your shouts and fury cannot reason anyone out of his standpoint, especially when that person takes no notice of who you are.

For the sake of common overstanding, let us all try to improve our discussions, it will get us all far....It is said that discussion are an exchange of knowledge, whilst baseless arguments are mere exchange of ignorance….

Happy New Year!

My gift card and bag for y’all is a little but sincere prayer and some amateur bars… More love, more tolerance, more forgiveness

May the comfortable amongst us not put their feet up knowing the sad realities they’re surrounded by; may the efforts of bridging the gap between our contradicting classes not only stop at the rhetoric.

May the following year and years to come burn down every misery we build up mostly through ill will and animosity; may we all take proactive actions to end our recurrent curse of poverty, disease and unpleasantness, May fire set ablaze all those proving stupid points through religious divides and conflicts.

May the good Lord save us from all dealers and wheelers who may want to take advantage of us in the name of care; may we not be so proud as a people to own up to our shortcomings and appalling realities.

May we become upbeat and down to business people, for sluggishness and tardiness can impair even containable circumstances; may we set our priorities on their two legs and stop taking pleasure in wretchedness…I strongly believe that we’re not naturally inadequate…

I know we can be like the West
If only we cutoff the needless rest
Fasten safety belts and face the test
Save the pen and the speeches, let us manifest
‘WWII’ destroyed Europe, now they’re part of the greatest
Here we’re, donkey’s years after slavery, we can’t relate to the finest
Is like a good deal of time was wasted on a pointless feast.
Waguan? I thought we’re ‘Manifest Destiny’; I thought we’re the ablest?

Check Yourself!

“Time to question our lifestyle, look how we live” 2pac (Better Dayz)... By the same token, I think some of our excitements, anticipations and dedications are certainly devoid of the concept of reality….I think some need total revamp.

If you’re doing one thing for too long, and you've all the while been really into it, sometimes more than usual and you can’t seem to win through, then something is not ringing true....

If it is an act, refrain from it; if a habit it is, quit; if companionship is what it is, renounce it; if it is your spot ‘Vous or Campeh’, walk out and don’t give notice; if a job is what it is, resign and find a career; if foreign is where you are, relocate; if it is a responsibility, relinquish and give the hell up…List goes on man, if y'all know what I mean

At the end of the day, you do not want to invest your time and effort on something that ain’t gonna get you jack; only a broken credibility

Check him Clean - He may not be the one

If you have a sweetheart; matter of fact why will you call him a ‘sweetheart’?…if you have a nuisance of a boyfriend, who is forever and a day satisfied with being mediocre, one who will always turn away from fineness and quality, who’ll always be like: ‘Dear Lorlu Yarha La’ (that’s a waste dear) with reference to everything; take my stupid advice and dump his patchy ass…

It is almost a new age people; never again underrate yourself; always try to set yourself apart from the rest; and except if y’all (him and you) are like peas in a pod or you perhaps know you can change his frame of mind; then you can stay, take the union to another level, but never say no one tipped you off...

AND again if your man is the type with a 40feet container load of false sense of pride; if he is almost certainly with the weight that his self-worth is far superior to every female; and that you as the lady must bow down to his grace...

I am talking about the type whose jealous side always comes out even when you’re seen talking to a distant cousin... one whose definition of a romantic date night is taking you to some weak ass restaurant, buys you one ‘Deficient Junk Burger’; no drinks no ‘afters’, drives you back home on some rented ride,
and goes thereafter telling the universe how pampered you were.

Just like my earlier post, take this one more weird advice from me; never give such a guy a price more than what he is due and if he doesn’t want to become peaceful with that, be glad to be rid of him; he is but bad news no matter his ability to talk and tempt...

You only get one life to live...

I’m sure some of you’ll remember my bashing of those kids who fervently trust that “you only live once” (YOLO), mostly to feed their desire ...