Saturday, 15 December 2018


The official story that the Supplementary Appropriation Bill's been rejected is good news for democracy and system change, or at least an indicator of the latter. But that's the part that'd cause one to seek enlightenment, like: now, what?

What if the SAP request was just a front to retroactively normalise our fiscal data... you know, one seeking to fix an already incurred over-spend (D1.2b), because no contingency or advance warrant exist to allow the Ministry of Finance to be creative with?

What happens if, by their oversight role, Parliament is provided an appropriation account, or a variance report for 2018, showing huge excesses presented as can't-wait obligations? What's the penalty for exceeding expenditure limitation set by the legislature?

I heard the Appropriation Bill 2019 is also marked for rejection tomorrow? What's the legislative stopgap measure thereof... because furloughing the civil service or causing a shutdown of national operations pending a redo wouldn't be so cool?

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