Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Justice first then peace, that's the order...

The rastaman said we all cry out for peace, and none cries out for justice, and so he questioned how exclusive of the latter can the former be. It’s like everybody wants to go to heaven, and nobody wants to die he said. He’s right. You cannot enjoy peace being unjust.

However, by his lyrical portrayal of justice, he said what is due to Caesar gotta be given Caesar; all of it. So, injustice is not just what your system of laws do to you, but also what you do to, for and about the system, whilst knowing that those in charge also have rights.

Justice is behavioural. It’s about empathy, fair-mindedness over bigotry, service above convenience, compassion above egoism. It’s about protesting and demanding what’s rightful but lawfully so. It’s about paying tribute where tribute is due.
It’s not about sharing internet memes with passive aggressive and sarcastic captions just to humiliate another. Being just is about refusing to submit to the outrageous Machiavellian manoeuvres out there, and perhaps regularly seeking refuge from 'Ahlus Satan, Ahl ul-Pretense and Ahl ul-Nafheyha" (adherents to the Satan, pretence and hypocrisy).

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