Sunday, 20 May 2018

The big fraud...

I believe the greatest fraud of all time was the replacement of our traditional trading and currencies (gold, silver, etc) with the introduction of banks, paper money, stocks, bonds and other investment instruments intended to increase at interest.

Seriously, think! How does one make a gain out of money, or money (spontaneously) generating money just like that; no underlying activity, no exchange for any tangible commodity, if not for interest (riba) at the expense of the poor borrower?

So the ones who got rich at it get richer, speculatively that is, because what they claim as wealth on paper is not up to the natural object at hand, while the poorer class keeps paying for money they didn't even owe.

And you wonder why the economic slowdowns, declining productivity, devaluing of financial institutions, the reckless and unsustainable money lending, and how some stock value can go up this minute and down the next minute, probably because America's El Diablo made some reckless speech against the North Korean brat.

But I guess it's now safe to say that sanity's in the air, and the introduction of Islamic Finance into their syllabus is nothing but a tacit return of the fraudulent shitstem to Sharia that was once frowned upon... way to go if you ask me.

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