Tuesday, 29 September 2015

What these terms really mean...

To the intelligent adherent of the faith, rather than coercion and senseless killings, Jihad should be a personal spiritual struggle for self-improvement, and against evil. It should uplift and awaken the spirits of those whose faith is dead alive, knowing that there'll be no sincerity in the declaration of a belief that is obtained forcefully, rather than naturally.

To the concious revolutionist, rather than wearing Mutabaruka inspired beaded necklaces, and Guevara, Mandela, Malcom, or MLK depicted T-shirts, chanting nonsense, mongering hate and being radicalised for no just cause, the best revolution is the one that helps in the evolution of consciousness.

To a principled propagandist, the best form of propaganda is the propagation of truth, wisdom and overstanding, and of course the destruction of ignorance and falshood...and according to me, anything less honourable than these is of as much use as a handbrake on a canoe.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Rest in peace mom!

This day, September 28 of 2007, Dr. Tamou gave me a sheet of paper and said: "here Omar, the Death Certificate. I'm so sorry!” I thought it was a mistake, because my mom that was on the road to recovery cannot pass on. Moments later, I saw them move her to the mortuary, but I was still confident that it was deep unconsciousness, and the mortuary’s cool room will cause her to emerge from that sleep. But that was before mourning came the following morning to give the lie to my hopes.

It was the day I said the most painful goodbye of my life, to that one person that I knew I could always depend on. It was exactly a week before my birthday, marking the start of me leaning on myself and doing things on my own, and whishing heaven wasn’t so far away, so I could have her home. It was the day I came to realise the painful truth that even mothers will pass away, and I cannot but accept that reality, but I vowed that no soul alive will take that special place that she had in my heart.

It was the day I came to the overstanding that the real meaning of living is not to live forever, but to use a finite life to create infinite memories, like this one that I am sharing today; an undying path of humanity and humility, that was what my mom represented. So today I am not trying to throw any pity party on here, this is a tribute of love and gratitude for the lessons she taught my siblings and I. Continue to rest in peace mom, we love you so very much!

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Titles are earned not given...

You cannot attain the recognition you desire by wearing Prada and doing nada. And you cannot retain a title by aiming to reach the same stage that earned you a title; that's stagnation. Progress is when you're able to exceed your highest previously recorded level; when you're able to break every record including your own.

Here, some of us are impressively gifted, and could hold titles at what we do, but we hardly excel because we tend to focus too much on preventing others from doing better, consequently losing sight of the fact that the best way to earn or to defend a title is to focus on doing better than you currently are.

We are sometimes not unlike that  Basketball Centre that plays as if defence is all about "boxing out" everyone at the paint, that he forgets there's a rebound to catch, or an "alley-oop" to make. So his fans end up losing thrill, wishing he could just focus on the damn ball.

Even in corporate circles, folks will be all over the place looking for programmes that'll earn them more diplomas than Mr. Mugabe, instead of performing the job to be done. They fail to realise that they could've learned best by doing. But that's why the paperless workers that do all the work end up being more competent.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Screw Bully!

These days, people take advantage of everything, but especially of race, gender and creed, just to bully others, knowing how sensitive the support structure and affinity of these institutions are. So it's wise to think before you ally yourself with a stupid agenda.

Me, I don't like bullies, and I don't care where the bully's allegiance lies. I don't care who or what the bully pretends to be, and I damn well don't care what colour or creed the bully pretends to represent. All I know is; a bully's a bully, period!

Somethings cannot be forced...

When a thing is meant to obtain the object desired, but in its own way, and at its own time, constantly checking progress, or being restless and intolerant of delays won't help. It will only make the process seem longer.

Those who can cook will overstand what I'm trying to say - that sometimes you gotta let things go on naturally. That way, progress is recorded slowly, but surely, and that's all what matter - results.

Friday, 25 September 2015

The truth will always win out...

With time and a lil bit of patience, both the truth and the untruth will emerge, no matter how people might try to conceal them, because they react as they age.

Truth is caused to grow ripe, ready for reaping and consumption. It is caused to be tender by reason of that ripeness. Untruth on the other hand suffers decomposition with the lapse of time, causing it to become so smelly, like: "Hmmnnnn, Chum Lakat!" Usually inducing a desire to vomit.

So naturally, truth will always win out, and that which is its opposite won't last, because none can put up with that kind of smell.

About collective success...

Success stories of success oriented people don't photoshop their stories. They're factual in their individual recounts, but that's why they inspire many, including those on the verge of despair - and that's what's up. Success is when you're able to motivate those who show promise, knowing how likely they're to develop in what they do, if only they know what they have, and what they could be.

Success is when you do not confer on someone else what you consider to be bad for yourself. It is when you don't feel too good to ask. It is about steadiness in the maintenance of proper consideration for the feelings and rights of others in whatever you do. It is when you don't put dampers on other people's fun, especially harmless fun. It is when you don't see the need to lower other people's morale, even if you couldn't get them to do their thing your way. It is about showing willingness to contribute to progress and to cause others to take action. It is about striving to be better than mediocre. It is about not criticising other people for faults that you have in abundance.

Unless a people are assuring and promotive of the success they desire; unless they seperate themselves from needless pessimism and be confidently affirmative where needed; unless they stop being reluctant to reveal their emotions and unbiased opinions, theirs will be but a community of should-haves, could-haves, and perhaps once-weres...Naozubillah!!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Nobody's a nobody...

According to intelligent civilisation, everybody's somebody and nobody's a nobody. So I find it bafflingly stupid that some people can place other people in quarantine and treat them like they're nobodies.

Sadly, some of these people willingly play along, thinking they're being humble. But I guess that's because they suck at differentiating between humility and servility. So slavishly giving up possession of their birthright became a normal thing.

Going to the shop this morning, I trailed two women talking about their Eid preparedness and all. One said to the other: "Ah! Nyun mom ndarreh lanj." I was like, Dayum! See how she's relegated herself to someone that is lacking in quality and respectability. But perhaps she doesn't know the meaning of this "Ndarreh" word that some of us use so casually.

Or maybe the following Wolof proverb says it all: "Bu sol manto (palto) don maye daraja, kon gayleum du tedda si biti." Meaning: If wearing a coat is all what it takes to earn dignity, then no camel will sleep outside. I guess what one allows is what will hold.

So if you ask me, it is a day of feasting; wear your best clothes, eat good, go out there, interact and rejoice like everyone else, because you're somebody; you belong and you definitely matter. Eid Mubarak still!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Do it differently...

When a market is almost deceased, and everyone's selling what everyone's selling, and everyone's attempting to outsell everyone, by sabotaging, undercutting and immorally stopping others from selling, seperate yourself from malice and sell something different.

With your God-given ingenuity, you can be the exclusive provider of a different product or service, and it's going to sell because variety is awesome. At least before your newfound privilege or hustle gets infested.

Think my friend, think!

Thinking back on the past with honesty and gratefulness is your best amulet as a human being. And foolish is when you presumptuously ditch or disrespect someone who believed in you, someone you once thought so much of, and based on nothing but some third-party fibbery.

As if you don't have a mind, a set of ears and eyes to be able test the truth or accuracy of what's being said about that person. Can't you see there are folks whose primary source of pleasure is in seeing people fall apart? What if these agents of discord are trying to distance you from your loved ones, so that they can get at you; won't you reason?

Sometimes ask: "so what the hell does that have to do with me?" Especially when the person that trash is being talked about has been so good to you. THINK!!!

Tobaski Wahala...

It’s the same irritating inconvenience each year. I don’t know if it is downright obsession or maybe we have a thing for hassles - like going to Banjul a day before Tobaski to get a shoe you had the means to buy months ago. Even those with a wardrobe full of clothes that are more than fit for Tobaski want to wear brand new stuff, like new is always best. But maybe that’s why “Eid” means “Owned” in Norwegian.  Howma sah!

Or maybe it’s fun to go shopping, get stranded and all soaked, walk from Albert Market to Gambia High looking for a vehicle, get a free ride to GTTI, trek to Jimpex or Westfield, grab a cab to Tallinding, walk to Latrikunda, and another cab home. So you get home grumbling about how nyaaka motor was. But why won’t motor be nyaaka if everyone is heading to the same place, at the same time to do the same thing?

It’s basic logic; traffic will be at its heaviest and drivers will take advantage of the situation. Tailors will do substandard jobs and vendors will rip you off because demand is at a peak. Even thieves will thrive because it’s artificial rush hour. Come to think of it, half of those entangled in the hassle don’t even go to the Eid ground. Eid Mubarak still. I love y'all!

Sunday, 20 September 2015

I wouldn't call "Wanty" a friend...

Once upon a time, two blind friends (Needy and Wanty) were having a leisurely walk, but they strayed from their desired path. Wanty stumbled upon an object, picked it up and realised it was a whistle. He blew it and to his delightful surprise, his sight was restored.

Needy asked what the whistling was all about. Wanty told him about the overwhelming wonder, and then Needy asked if he could let him try it out, but Wanty said he's gonna give it a second blowing, to brighten his newfound vision. He blew it for a second time and went blind again.

Now go ahead and figure out the ethical significance of this story. My job is to tell, and I guess I have done just that.

Let me tell you what I know about success..

Contrary to popular notion, success is not just about being well known and spoken of, and certainly not about producing profits or riches that will take control of you and your mind. It's not about your habitual acquaintance with society's set of formal rules, or that strip of red carpet that is laid for you to walk on. It's not about burning bridges or erecting thicket barriers around you.

Success is about wanting to succeed but not afraid of failing, for failure they say is the mother of success. It's about loving what you do, and no matter how little it puts on the table. It's about believing in yourself, knowing that you're everything you need to succeed, and letting those around you remodel their expectations to that. It's about changing things for the better, but also accepting fate and speedily recovering from adversities without lasting damage.

Success is about acting less seriously sometimes; like doing the opposite of boring, like being around friends and having your presence felt in a good way, like taking chances for love, like forgiving when you're wronged, and making amends when you're wrong. Success is about being principled but not petty, and about wishing for others what you wish or have for yourself.

If you ask me, every relatively rare accomplishment is success. It's about looking at your detractors in the face and say: "I made it. What you gon say now?" But that's just a personal definition perhaps. Have a successful Sunday

Friday, 18 September 2015

If only...

If only man was sincere and impartial in his recount of events, especially those that once were, if only he didn't exceed nor fall short in any respect, a lot of people being vilified today would've been celebrated, and perhaps vice versa.

If only man was absolutely unbiased by his personal interest, by favouritism, resentment and fear, a lot of things being allowed and endured today would've been caused to cease to exist a long time ago.

If only educated and well informed men were faithful to the truth, this world wouldn't have lost grip on reality, and humankind wouldn't have been in this state of permanent confusion.

And I was told that man is the only being created with the ability to choose his actions, and to determine what reasons are acceptable motivations for his actions. I was told he could've embraced qualities like patience, loyalty, nobility, gratitude and compassion, and attain a status higher than that of angels, but is like he prefers mischief, jealousy, hatred, pride, deception, cruelty, and terror. Baffling much!

Bizarre Honesty

I have observed that people who pretend to be brutally honest are in fact more contemptuous when it comes to receiving the same truth about them. Bizarre honesty if you ask me.

This is why I can only imagine what will happen when Facebook finally launches the "Dislike" button. I can only imagine the number of people that are going to end up friendless for honestly disliking outrageous makeups, and blasphemous bashing of haters that never were.

Maybe next up should be a facial transmission app. One that'll describe the facial expression of those who snoop on your profile to hate on the wonderful things happening in your life. Y'know, that kind of look in which the eyebrows are brought together, and the forehead is wrinkled, often accompanied by a hiss, and: "Ki nima ko jaypay, ak kanamam bu melax bi" LOL

The obvious consequence...

In the end, we'll succeed in transforming vices into celebrated virtues. There'll be so much money to burn, but so little to alleviate need. In the abundance of things to wear, we'll prefer nakedness, and it will be so appealing because the breast is apparently mightier than the chest.

Puppy love won't be so puppy anymore. So some kid that's supposed to be sitting on his mama's couch playing video games and munching snack food with his girl, will instead be on the beach dicking some bitch. And it will be received with pleasure. "Nosy-arse old-schools" will be asked to loosen up. In fact you wouldn't make sense if you appear to be in perfect mental working order.

Times will be such that the crankier and weirder you're with your ways, the lovelier and more respected you'll be. Decent and intelligent civilisation will not have the nerve to talk lest they be said to be "judgemental" or "holier-than-thou". I hope God will be is with us.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Love could be found in the most hopeless ways and places...

To buttress how love could be found in the most hopeless ways and places, I was told this young lady lost a very expensive android phone, apparently stolen. But luckily for her, the phone’s “SIM Change Alert” was enabled before it got stolen. Few days after the obvious theft, she had an alert from her stolen phone that a new phone number was inserted. She reported the matter to the police, and she was advised to call the number, whose user at the time was a guy that the stolen phone was sold to.

The lady’s task was to engage the guy so that they can meet. But earlier, this guy made romantic advances to a certain young lady he just met and had given his contact to. So he thought the caller was that same lady. The lady too having figured that out played the role so well. Nothing regarding the phone was ever mentioned in their conversations. They talked about them and how both of them couldn’t wait to see each other. And because they were both single, their calls became regular, they started texting and sexting even at very odd times.

The girl’s charisma became an irresistible attraction. The guy decided it was about time he pays a visit. The police were informed and a trap was laid for him to be taken in for questioning, and they were going to have him charged for buying a stolen phone. Just as gentle as he seemed on phone, he kept to his promise, but out of the blue, he was surrounded by men in uniform. To amazement, chemistry started to manifest, and that which was supposed to be a trap had apparently moved to one of love.

Hear what the guy said: “I know it's a crime to buy a stolen thing, but I wouldn’t have met this most amazing version of female beauty and brilliance if I had not bought this phone, so screw your charges, because right now, nothing else matters. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I believe it is destiny that I have fallen in love.” The lady in a very touching voice said: “And come what may, I will stand by you all the way. Besides it’s my phone.” Now whether the police did bend their rule on the buying of stolen stuff is what I didn’t ask, but I was told the two are now happily married.

Everyone's an immigrant...

The pits of the things I hate is when people, especially these Syrians seeking refuge are treated as if they’re parasitical migrants. For fuq’s sake they're being forced to find residence elsewhere and that's not their fault; it’s probably against their will. As a matter of fact, their cluster-fuck of a situation is almost certainly the fault of those same countries that they think are promising places of safety. So screw the needless checks and controls and accept them. Right your wrongs by building a world community.

Hold on! What if they are ordinary immigrants as it is sometimes put? Aren’t they just what everyone else is? Isn’t this world today an ensemble of people, plants and animals that are permanently residing in places and countries where they previously did not exist? The only difference is that some are newcomers, and others are so old that they cannot remember their line of geographical descent, but just because people are not talking about their overdue repatriation doesn't hide the fact that we already know.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Success Snatchers...

In most of today’s collective enterprises, some players are there to use others and others will be there to be made use of. The ones being used will be told how equal their chances of success would be if they work hard. So they’ll work their tails out, do all the donkey job, pave the way to getting everything underway. They’ll get occasional patting on their backs for their dedication, but that’s before the day of harvest, and before the success snatchers start to encroach.

By “success snatchers” I mean those whose only talent is the gift of climbing the ladder through other people’s labour. They’ll tell the hard working class: “you see, y’all have done an inspiring job, but you're going to need us to take it to the next level”. They’ll bring in offers that will make your years of hard work look valueless. They’ll start talking about the project you nurtured without mentioning your efforts. 

When they know you’re about to get in the way of their greed, they’ll influence the other members to write you off, and you’ll eventually feel so dejected and quit. Perhaps the only good thing thereafter is that you’ll become a philosopher on the topics of betrayal and deception.

As for the people you started with, it may not be their primary intention to ditch you for some tail-end parasite, but that’s the game for you. Mankind is no longer interested in anything that is not serving the advancement of their personal interests and egos, and they do it at the expense of every other value. But that’s probably why I don’t believe in imaginary social constructs like confidantes, con-sultants, and spiritual junkies.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Ashobi tendency...

Sometimes our society is such that the choices of the people we give distinction to, are expected to be appealing and answering to everyone else's taste and needs. So standing out to do your own thing, and to be the best YOU that you can be is seen to be out of place, even though we know it's best to be oneself.

Sometimes I think we're protesting against diversity and ingenuity. But that's why even the clothes we wear are not unlike "Ashobi" - so pervading; the reason why we speak the same Amina Pote or "Un Café Avec" inspired lingo; the reason why we listen to the same vibe, act in the same manner, and with essentially the same flow.

Ours is such that someone who doesn't know Cess Ngum can ask if you know Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope) of "Scandal." Say no you don't and the next remark is: "yow fo deka?" Like knowing the name of a certain foreign TV personality is also a standard by which grace is measured. Mtchew!


What if I say there's no definite definition for marriage, that it keeps changing with time? First, and perhaps to avert cold feet, they’ll tell you it is a sacred bond, one that'll put an end to serial dating, and afford you the license to get laid without responsibility for wrongdoing, so go ahead and procreate lawfully; enjoy the happiest and most beautiful life together.

A year or less after you've mooned the honey, shit starts to happen; petty jealousies, highhandedness, etc. You now frequent your “Sila Nyatongko” for counseling, and then the definition changes. Marriage now becomes a thing of patience, and a test of your ability to endure. You need to persistently work towards getting the chemistry right.

Next you start second-guessing your reason for venturing into this overrated institution. You start comparing yours with Reality TV inspired unions. Then another definition; marriage is the same everywhere. Those seemingly perfect relationships you see are but cosmetic. People who stay in this union do it to avoid broken homes; they do it for the kids. Marriage is no bed of roses.

Astafirullah! Don't mind this theory. I just needed to write something. Being married may be more complex than it appears, but seriously, being in a relationship without serious aims is a fate worse than marriage, because the latter will at least offer you more than one string to your bow.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

RIP - Those killed in the Saudi crane collapse...

Even the dogs in the street are aware of the reward for someone whose death was on account of sincere adherence to his or her faith. But disbelieving fools tend to delusively rely SO much on their SO little level of consciousness. I'm sure that's why Mr. T (Lawrence Tureaud) said he pities them.

May God give guidance to all those delusional bunches who do not know, and do not know that they do not know anything about what they think they know. May they come to know that what they think they know is not all what there's to be known. May all those killed in the Saudi crane collapse be amply rewarded.

Adversity before Prosperity.

In the modern English alphabet, "A" comes before "P," so naturally, "Adversity" comes before "Prosperity." And in between the two letters lies fourteen, each letter representing a hurdle you must either overleap to succeed, or succumb and fail woefully.

The surmountable hurdles in alphabetical order are: Betrayal, Criticisms, Detraction, Enemyship, Falsifiers, Grudge, Hatred, Intolerance, Jealousy, Killjoys, Leeches, Malice, Naysayers, and Opportunists.

You know you're now in control the moment you realise that all these vices and devils are but conditions preceding prosperity. And don't expect them to stop after you hit your target. Someone once told me that every new level will come with new devils and I agree.

20-fuss-century success...

In this 20-fuss-century, success is when you have what social media doesn't have; privacy. It is when you can mind your own business, respect other people's private lives and not have others trying so hard to violate yours. It is when someone else's misfortune becomes a great concern rather than a source of enjoyment.

Success is when you don't have to post the things you did in the night on social media to prove awesomeness. It is about having friends who are worthy of dependence and deserving of trust. It is about not making fun of what others do or wear, and probably because you just cannot afford it.

Success is about being independent, especially if you're a lady, but also not allowing your pride and ego to deter you from asking for help when you need to. It is about your ability to take responsibility for your actions, rather than having to sit and blame the rest of humankind for your fuck ups. I hope God is with us.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

What I call the best high school...

Just because a certain high school is at the top of the wish list doesn't necessarily make that school a great school. Especially when that school is known for setting genius-seeking cut-off marks for admission, naturally affording it all the teachable kids there are. 

I swear down, even that elementary school teacher that tells his class: “Bulen Ma Fonto! Don’t you know I was once A CHILDREN” can see these special breed of kids through their final exams and they’ll do well.

In my dispassionate opinion, that school that accepts the rejected chaff and develops them into edible grains is a better school; basic logic. For instance, except the genes turn out to be defective, you wouldn't expect me, at 6ft 4inches, to marry a 6ft tall lady and beget a midget, would you?


Selflessness is measured not by those unsupported "I did, I said" claims you make, but by your genuine and unregretted devotion to the interests of others, especially one that may be at some cost to you. It includes charitable giving and sacrifices made towards other people's well-being.

Talking about sacrifice, there's authentic "sacrifice," as in giving away something in order to give rise to something else of value, or for a greater good, but not motivated by primary concern for oneself. There's also 'saa-crifice,' as in giving for nothing but the flattery thereof, even though you know you may be caused to suffer a greater loss. 

The latter's a very common phenomenon these days, but unfortunately that which follows it is called 'neemiso' (wishing you had done it differently, or be sorry for volunteering yourself to be made use of). The "Saa" prefixing the latter (saa-crifice) means 'snake' in Mandinka, but it could also be used to describe a person with poor judgment or degraded consciousness; it is synonymous to "Tollay."

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Which type of "education is the key"?

Desmond Tutu said - “they said: Let us pray. We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land." So it was a conspiracy to turn blessed people into oppressed people, methinks. And they’re not done yet. Now that they know we’re theologically conscious, they have this whole new vibe of education being the key to success in life. But about success, Suli Breaks in his spoken-word piece titled “American't Dream,” said: “successful people take a course of action, which coincides with their belief or passion” and I agree.

They still insist that education will increase our chances of getting great jobs, but how about “creating” rather than just “getting” a job? Did they tell that to Michael Jordan or David Beckham? I bet no, because those two are epitomes of “Outcome-based education (OBE)”. It is you and I that they’ve programmed to think that going to school and getting a “Degree” is the best, if not the only form of education.

Just take their word for it. I bet the best job that you’re likely to get after graduation is that job called “job hunting,” or perhaps one that can barely earn a purposeful person a decent living. It's a moment of truth so let’s be honest, how many college graduates have pay grades matching their qualifications, and how many of them are making ends meet without overdraft facilities and 1x6 salary advances? But they’ve coined another cute excuse for that misery, and they call it "academic or education inflation," that we need more papers, because job requirements are now elevated due to the growing number of highly educated people. But whose fault is that; because some time ago, our people never went beyond “Standard Four”, but they created impressive legacies?

So now they want you to go back to their “Degree mills”, add an MS (More Shit), or double Masters to that BS (Bullshit) that you already have. I’m not trying to be rude; that’s what these qualifications mean to them. So think my friend! If not for half truths, why is it that even after getting all these titles from their institutions of higher learning, they employ us to do works that do not make full use of our skills and abilities? Why do you think some college graduates end up working for people who hold nothing more than a third-class high school diploma? I know someone who after studying in the UK, got hired as security guard for a UK corporation whose most qualified executive holds no more qualifications than him, why is that? What’s the use of a degree if you’re forever going to depend on some foreign ‘con-sultant’ to tell you what to do?

The other day I went to see my boys doing their thing at the Serrekunda “Black Market”, and to have my phone fixed. To be honest I was so pleased with what I saw. These boy, against all odds, are today able to break out of that “failure” that society thought they were. They’ve today created new identities for themselves, they own cars, wear designer colognes, and they dine at the finest eateries on Kairaba Avenue and the Senegambia area. They own huge savings, but they spend like they’re not saving; something that an average guy with a regular job wouldn’t dream of doing lest he be arraigned for some economic crime.

It is not like these boys inherited some comfort or won some jackpot to be what they’ve become. In fact most of them came from poor origins. Theirs was just that while some of us were being caused to spend at least 18 years of our lives “planning our future” in classrooms, and based on someone else’s thoughts of what should be taught and learned, these boys were busy getting educated in the art of money making, fixing things and selling phones. They were determined from the start that thought-controlling assignments and school grades won’t get in the way of what they wanted to be.

This is perhaps the longest piece I have ever written on here, but that’s because ‘adiiyaata nteleyeh’. I have nothing against schooled people, and I am not trying to justify my ‘paperlessness,’ but my respect is limited to educated people who do not take pleasure in belittling those who prefer to learn what interests them. I appreciate educated people who allow others to do because they want to, rather than just reading because they have to. I respect learned people who encourage unfettered thinking, creativity and independence, and I think that’s what’s up; people should allow options in education.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Team Development

In the course of the team building training I had the privilege to attend as a junior auditor, I was taught that every team must go through a number of developmental stages. I was introduced to Bruce Tuckman's “Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing” model of group development.

It means teams must first identify prospects and challenges, and then agree on goals before embarking upon tasks. Secondly, members of the team must be willing to boost their tolerance level for stupid bullshits, accept differences and appreciate constructive ideas, even if seemingly controversial.

Thirdly, team members must be willing to take responsibility, knowing that the success of the team is greater than personal egos. Fourthly, the team is now on its toes, everyone reasonably competent and aware of processes. At this stage, the apparent unity of the team doesn’t mean there will be no dissent, but it should be seen as constructive rather than one to be nervy about.

Unfortunately, I have observed that most of today’s teams hardly develop past the second (Storming) stage, and weird enough, they don’t want to call it off either, so shit becomes chaotic, each member using annoyances and intimidating tactics to dishearten and upset the others. This is why a lot of teams fail even when success should’ve been fairly easy to achieve.

I overstand a fifth stage was added, called the “Adjourning” sometimes “Mourning” stage. It is said to be the stage when goals are fulfilled and successes are recognised. But I am saying “Mourning” also means: screw patience and call it quits if it is taking your team forever to make progress. I think it is sometimes healthier than remaining a part of a team whose best is never good enough.

Monday, 7 September 2015

About AFCON2017

About AFCON2017, and yesterday’s (The Gambia vs. Cameroon) game in particular, haven’t you seen people pull through after falling to the bottom of society? Haven’t you seen nobodies become somebodies? Haven’t you seen onetime underdogs making big headlines? Didn’t Michael Jordan tell us how he missed more than 9000 basketball shots, lost almost 300 games, missed 26 game winning shots, now he is a god in a pair of Nike sneakers? So why do you doubt your Darling Scorpions? Who should decide the sufficiency of second chances given?

I’m not a very big soccer fan, but I have observed that I’m a better fan than most of these Scorpions fans. In fact in terms of believe, some of them are worse than atheists, and playing for them is becoming a drag. They can be fervent in believe days before the game, only to go back to their state of disbelieve just after the final whistle, forgetting that both teams were all in the hunt for the same thing. And in a game like soccer, there can be only one winner.

My take is, if you’re into athletics, whether as a fan, a player or coach, joy, relief, or fulfillment comes to those who do not give up hope. Team success is not all about talent, because we obviously have that. It requires chemistry, and most importantly patience. That’s why you’ll see players crying after winning their first championship. They hold on to the trophy like: “Wow, anything’s possible!”

So if you ask me, when it comes to rivalries, be it in combat, politics or sports, upsets are to be expected. But if we continue the fair-weather tendency, we’ll be sorry if things change, I mean when we’re hopefully crowned AFCON ‘Twenty-Twenty-Something’ champions, but at least I’ll be able to look at them without losing face and say: “I never gave up on y’all.”

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Don't 'yakarr' till you 'bakarr.'

Sometimes some of us make very impossible demands, and by it we place blame on someone who doesn't deserve blame, probably because we think the person is a person of means. But do we try to imagine what it is like to be in the person's position?

I may be wrong, but I'm more than convinced to say that if there's a reason why a lot of people are said to be "sohorr" (wicked), cheap, or stingy, it is because we expect them to do or give what they don't have. We fail to overstand that this life that is not unlike a shoe is such that only the wearer knows where it pinches.

I jokingly said it the other day, that expectations can be misleading, that a lot of folks we think are wealthy are sometimes not really so. I said I'll rather say they're great at managing their cashflow, 'hejna denj day chapteh, mun sen bopa, teksi mun deka bi.'

The often-quoted saying is: "yakarr defa diss", that it is a burden to be a source of hope, and I appreciate that, but let the burden be within due limits, 'bala yakarr bi di supalaykou bakarr.'

Doctored history...

Unless and until there're sincere contemporaries to say otherwise, the version of the heroics of elderly braggarts with platforms will always glorify these set of elders. 

Why not, DOFF REK! LOL. Well, even if you have more than enough evidence to challenge their exaggerated claims, our adult-favoured tradition demands that you forbear. 

But whether these photoshopped narrations are not going to impair the soundness and accuracy of our history is what I'm worried about. 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Take it all...

It's easy to say: "I don't care who takes the credit, I just want the job to get done." I say that all the time, especially when I'm cunningly beaten to glory. But tacitly, I'll ask myself: "why the hell do I have to make a big deal out of it if I truly don't care?"

The open secret is, we all have a part of us that wants to be associated with success and good works. Ask your friends that are into the social sciences, I'm sure they can confirm that.

But if you’re going to try to take credit or claim glory for everyone else's, then at least have the decency to also accept responsibility for any resulting fuck up. You cannot always take the good and push the bad on others - that’s SO not cool. I just thought I should say that.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Glad to be different...

Growing up, our version of being tough was to be daring without cause, and to be brutally capable of fighting back. We thought being strong was all about going to inter-school games, to parties or to the beach looking for a fight, having pepper sprays and pointed blades on us just for the heck of it.

Some of us had everything including caring homes, but we appreciated nothing. We got invariably rounded up, and God gave us twenty-ten second chances to change, but is like we got trapped in the game, and we just won't get it. We thought being different was a weakness.

By God I grew up to become conscious of the fact that it is even more heroic to be positively different, that trying to be like Biggs, Wayne, Mad Max, Teddy Bruckshut, Gussy, Raquel, or Dangles, and failing to realise that those characters were but fictional, was in fact the silliest thing to do.

But that’s what’s up! You’ll not be the gentleman you need to be unless you grow up, and you’ll not grow up unless your tolerance level for stupid bullshit is greater than before; unless you no longer have to go out prepared to fight or act in response to everyone and everything, or make a big deal over every nonsense, and unless you’re no longer afraid to stand out and carve your own path.

You may not be using a potty, and you may not necessarily be wetting your bed, but you know you’re still in diapers if even way after college, or at twenty-something, you still conduct yourself like you’re thirteen. This is not just a story, it is reality, a wake-up call to others at risk.

Girlfriend snatchers...

So, some guys cannot find a lady attractive, approachable or ‘encroach-able’ until she becomes a friend’s lady. Like a hunter that cannot see a kill until it is hunted and killed by another hunter. That’s the time they’ll borrow the nerve to force an entry, snatch or even have the effrontery to encourage a breakup.

Y'know, failing to appreciate the incumbent’s hunting skills, thinking maybe the lady’s not so hard to get after all. At my hood, the act is called “SIX-ing.” Shameless game if you ask me.

Imagine your friend trying to unrightfully possess your lady by discrediting you; by making time that he doesn’t have for himself, just to appear nicer, cooler, more supportive and loving than you. He takes her out invariably and you're there thinking he's kind like that. Before you get his covert advances, he’s already worked out all your flaws, and he’ll thrive on that by being the complete opposite.

But just because I write this doesn’t mean I am an encroacher or I have gone through it, I am just saying. I see things! 'Purr mu lerr' (for the record)

My emotions after watching that "Dafur" movie.

When I feel this type of way, my mom (RIP) will say with a smile: "C'mon boy, it's only a movie." But really, watching this film on the Darfur conflict is giving me good reasons to be hateful. I overstand it was filmed in South Africa, and I don't know if it's a true story, or a fiction, but I find the plot so evil.

The part that irritated me the most was when this Arab-looking Janjaweed warrior asked this tribal chief: "How can a slave be the leader of a group of slaves, and form an independent state? Slaves?! Independent country?! I don't understand!"

See, people think I have no taste when I say this, but I just keep confirming the fact that if keeping clear of all crimes against humanity is the standard by which humanness is measured, to me the Ganjaman, though negatively painted, is like no other, because while the entire universe is busy giving troubles, they're giving thanks.

The fuckers of this world are those carnal-minded, ego-serving nutcases; claimants of religious and intellectual enlightenment; scripture-referencing racist-criminals who think they are saving a world that the Creator had already made so excellent and delightful in all respects.

Some of them say they're on a holy mission, the others claim they're promoting global political reforms; they're in pursuit of perfection; that's their cover, but who they hell seeks perfection by deviating from every moral sense of right and wrong, to forcibly impose obedience to confusion?

Just look around the world today; who the hell destroys the same people you say you're trying to help to overstand the truth? Who the hell leaves scores of innocent kids to drown at sea in the name of foreign policy, or national security? Who the hell goes to a village, cut off hands, behead men, and rape innocent women, high so much on drugs that you cannot even tell between an orgasm and a cry for help? Who the hell fights a religious cause by making covert arms deals with the people you call infidels? Who the hell laughs at the people you pretend to be laughing with? Who the hell terrorises poor people in the name of fighting terrorism?

The way I see this world, no one is on your side if you have nothing to offer, but mostly if you do not look like them. Is like everyone's ultimate objective is nothing but domination, but I swear down none will fall heir to that plan, because the Most High is watching and His counter plans are remarkably excellent.

Thursday, 3 September 2015


Silence they say implies consent; like you're perfectly quiet because you agree. Some say silence becomes a disservice when you need to talk to protect. Someone said it's godly because "God is silent", others say silence is best when what you know is unequal to the purpose.

So silence is relative. But one thing I can confirm is that just because someone's silent doesn't mean he agrees, maybe there's some idiot who just won't shut up, and because it is written: "don't answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are." Proverbs 26:4

About Marriage!

If you’re recently married, but with the expectation that yours is going to be a lifelong honeymoon, then this is bad news for you. I'll suggest you take that vacation, go somewhere, 'moon' your honey, and enjoy the moment while it lasts, because the ‘ganalleh’ (privileged treatment given to a distinguished visitor) is not going to last.

Soon he will start forgetting to open the car door for you. Soon you'll ask: "Darling, where or what's for dinner?" And you'll get something like: "I don't know, maybe you should start cooking for a change," just like you’ll start asking him to help himself with those things that you used to do for him.
But the good news is; with tolerance, overstanding and compassion, y'all may find a true friend in each other and that's all what matters.

As the man, if slavish willingness is what you’re looking for, as your reason to fall in love, then go and get yourself a dog, and that's figurative. I bet you’ll be afforded so many reasons to stay in love, because no matter how oppressive you’re, she knows nothing but loyalty.

However, if you do not check your excesses towards her, and ask for her forgiveness on a daily basis, you’ll die and go to hell. You gotta overstand that just because she doesn't complain doesn't mean she deserves your jerkassery.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Keep your criticisms constructive...

I am not saying do not criticise, because I do it all the time, and I'll not forbear for fear of being seen to be passing judgment. But I'll try to keep my criticisms constructive, and I believe that's a good thing.

In my opinion, if you think others are doing it all wrong, and you truly care, do not stop short of putting forward a better or more viable alternative. If not, and if you do not know their reason(s) for doing what they're doing, for fuq’s sake, mate! Stop making noise and let them do their thing.

What people do with their lives is entirely their business, especially regarding matters that you're not entitled to be involved in or informed about. If they do it or think it wrongly, it's their lesson still, not your business. I hope that's clear.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

I just want to be 'somebody'...

I don't want to be a nonentity, but I certainly don't want to be an indelicate somebody either. I don't want to live acting like the universe is going to end if I'm no more. I don't want to die before creating a name worth remembering, but I want my epitaph and eulogies to be in memory of the things I deservedly earned.

I just want to be an essential part of humanity, but in spite of this desire, I'll rather stay fameless with virtue and be loved thereof, than come to fame by means of infamy. But that's just me. I am not trying to put a damper on anyone's dream of becoming famous by any means, fair or unfair. If you want it, go for it, but remember: "more haste, less speed."

You only get one life to live...

I’m sure some of you’ll remember my bashing of those kids who fervently trust that “you only live once” (YOLO), mostly to feed their desire ...